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DMI 国際ろう者支援協会
Deaf Ministries International

Monthly Prayer Points
  マラウイ Malawi

Pray for our Malawian family after the devastation of Cyclone Ana. Give thanks that no lives were lost. Pray for support to come in to rebuild.
ウガンダ  Uganda
We pray for wisdom and unity for the DMI board in Uganda as they choose a new director to oversee the work in Uganda.
コンゴ民主共和国 DR Congo
Sherya, an 18-year-old student at our school in Beni, has disappeared. It appears she has been taken by rebels. Her life is now in imminent danger. Pray for her safety and return.

支援金は郵便振込みでお願いします。Donations can be made by postal transfer.
振替口座 (transfer account): 番号 (acct #) 00930-9-8259 口座名 (name) "DMI"
ゆうちょ総合口座 (regular Yucho account): 番号 (account #) 14330-10176511

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