
Planning applications - January 2022

The planning applications where the CRA has made comments can also be seen listed on the Chipstead Village Website. You can see comments (and soon, outcomes) here -

As always, detailed comments can be found on the RBBC website under the application reference and listed under Consultee comments. Use the link below to bring up the Planning Search facility, then search on the Application reference number or the address to see the full details of the application.

Planning Search page

1. LBC - 21/05084/F – 29 Hollymeoak Road, Chipstead - Demolition of existing dwelling. Erection of a two-storey building with roof accommodation comprising 8 flats; provision of new access, parking spaces, refuse and recycling stores, secure cycle parking and communal landscaped amenity space.

Deadline for comments 21 January.

The CRA object to this application. This is a revised application intended to respond to all the shortcomings of the previous design that would have led to its refusal. However, it fails to do this. The principal issues still remain and relate to:

(i) The adverse impact on the character and appearance of the area and the visual amenity of the street scene.

(ii) The adverse impact on the amenities of the occupiers of the adjoining and neighbouring properties

The CRA have the following detailed objections:

(1) Although the number of units has been reduced again to 6 from 8 to try to make the proposed development acceptable, in reality it has failed to do this. The 6 flats have been reconfigured and enlarged meaning that the overall impact remains the same as the original application for 9 flats that was refused. Whereas the original application for 9 flats was designed to house 26 people, the current reconfiguration to 6 larger flats is designed to accommodate 27 people. Thus, there has been no real reduction in the overall impact of habitable space proposed or the number of people that will have to be accommodated on site.

(2) Council policies say it will require all new development to contribute to enhancing a sense of place and improving the character of an area. Development should respect the character of the area and have regard to the form and layout of existing and adjacent dwellings, privacy and maintenance of sunlight/ daylight. However, the proposed design for a 3-storey block of flats with balconies would be a significant over-development of this site due to the proposed scale and massing of the design, not in keeping with area or the form and layout of adjacent properties. It also raises substantial concerns regarding the amount of the built form proposed for a site so close to the Green Belt and one which falls within an Archaeological Priority Area. This area has already had a significant amount of inappropriate infill development that is gradually creeping up the road, isolating solo properties on sites by the over-dominant style and bulk of development and changing the whole character of the area but not for the better.

(3) Any proposal for development is required by LBC policies not to cause harm to the amenity of neighbouring dwellings particularly as regards dominance or overshadowing. The revised elevation plans show how dominant the proposed development would be of neighbouring properties especially No 27. The size, depth and mass of the proposed block of flats will be overbearing of neighbouring properties particularly 27 Hollymeoak Road resulting in visual intrusion and loss of privacy. Although, the proposal has included a step down for one wing of the build, adjacent to the boundary with 27, the height on the central part of the roof has been increased. Therefore, there is still a depth, mass and bulk of dwelling that would adversely impinge upon the immediate aspect and amenity of the neighbouring properties. This situation is exacerbated by the balconies that still remain a feature at the rear allowing the flats to overlook the garden and social area of its neighbours, particularly the garden of 27 Hollymeoak Road which has a swimming pool that is used by the family and their children.

(4) The frontage of the development will be car dominated, being laid out with 8 parking spaces and effectively a 9th parking space, described as a loading bay for small delivery trucks to be able to reverse and exit in forward gear. There will be insufficient parking on site for the proposed size of the currently proposed units. All have been enlarged and are for family accommodation where it is likely that more than 1 car will be the norm, especially in this location. There is no parking provision for visitors and there is only space for deliveries, if it is not taken up by overflow parking. There is nowhere to safely park in surrounding roads and parking on Hollymeoak Road itself would be dangerous to other road users on this busy, commuting cut-through. Accessibility is poor in this area with no pavements for pedestrians and no cycle paths.

(5) In terms of the amenities provided for future residents the refuse disposal provisions compromise a good standard of living. The bin store with greened roof will house all the communal bins for the flats and residents will have to bring their refuse (all types) down to the communal bins or to the area set aside for bulk waste. This does not appear to be in accord with the Council’s waste policies in a number of areas:

(a) the distance that residents will have to carry waste to dispose of it;

(b) the design of the bin store - access to the bins to dispose of waste, lighting etc;

(c) the need for the store to be robust, fireproof etc.;

(d) secure and safe from vermin intrusion and other pests.

The area set aside for items of bulk waste, removed only by prior arrangement, is located next to the pedestrian walk-way it thus may block this access unless managed properly but there is no indication of how this will happen. If the development had actually been reduced to a size appropriate to the site it would not be necessary to squeeze these essential features into the scheme in any pocket of available space, compromising the quality of the facilities and the development.

(6) Loss of trees and mature hedging replaced by hard landscaping and built form.

It is requested that this application be refused.

Outcome of Previous Applications

2. 20/02056/TED - Waterhouse Lane, Kingswood - 5G Mast - Enforcement Referral

Following the persistence of a local resident in following up this matter and with the support of the local Councillor, we understand from RBBC that the mast and others in the area should be repainted green in due course.

3. 21/02840/F – Land to the rear of Uplands Walpole Avenue Chipstead – Erection of single dwelling (access from Hazel Way).

No objections submitted. The Conservation Officer has concerns about the design and has submitted comments on the scale and appearance of the proposed additional dwelling that will be on Hazel Way. Awaiting a response.

4. 21/02760/LBC – The Old Rectory Rectory Road Chipstead - Refurbishment and extension of a Grade II listed building, further conversion of a partially converted garage, demolition of a green house and potting shed with an indoor pool building constructed in their place, re installation of an outdoor tennis court, erection of a kennel and alterations to the existing gates/pillars

and linked application

5. 21/02759/HH - Refurbishment and extension of a Grade II listed building, further conversion of a partially converted garage, demolition of a green house and potting shed with an indoor pool building constructed in their place and re installation of an outdoor tennis court.

Objections submitted – awaiting decision.

6. LBC - 21/05084/F – 29 Hollymeoak Road, Chipstead - Demolition of existing dwelling. Erection of a two-storey building with roof accommodation comprising 8 flats; provision of new access, parking spaces, refuse and recycling stores, secure cycle parking and communal landscaped amenity space.

Application withdrawn, revised applications submitted.

7. 21/02243/ADV – Rowans Hill Coulsdon Lane Chipstead - Fascia signs for school use. As amended on 01/11/2021 - Amendment to background colour of proposed signage.

Permission granted.

8. 19/02269/DET07 – Rowans Hill Coulsdon Lane Chipstead – Submission of travel plan details pursuant to condition 7 of appeal permission 19/02269/F. Change of use to an independent special school for children with autism and related special educational needs and disabilities, with the provision of ancillary facilities including a playground, noise barriers and canopy and additional planting. As amended on 06/07/2021 and 04/11/2021.

Objections submitted - awaiting a decision.

9. 21/02795/S73 – McCarthy & Stone development Outwood Lane - This application seeks removal of condition 14 of Permission 19/02583/S73 - ie. the proposed extended footway, and the proposed pedestrian crossing facility comprising a central refuge island, dropped kerbs, tactile paving, and associated road markings and carriageway widening, on Outwood Lane.

Objections submitted - awaiting a decision.

10. 21/02364/F - Green Linnets, Wild Woods Outwood Lane, Chipstead - Proposals are for a development of 6, 3-storey semi-detached houses (4x3-bed and 2x4-bed with an additional room in the roof) with car ports and visitor parking on the rear plot of land at the existing dwellings. Proposals will include a new driveway link from Outwood Lane along the side of the existing properties up to the rear of the site.

Objections lodged – decision awaited.

11. 21/02160/F - Culligan International UK Ltd Prospect Wells House Outwood Lane Chipstead - Demolition and comprehensive redevelopment of the site for a 3-storey building to provide mixed use development comprising a shop (Use Class A1) at ground floor with 10 residential units (Use Class C3) at first and second floors, car parking, landscaping and associated works.

Objections submitted – decision awaited.

12. 21/02000/F – Land to the rear of 260, 262 and 264 Chipstead Way and to the rear of Kita, Sunnyfields and Paddock - Redevelopment of the site to deliver 8 residential units (5 x 3 bed and 3 x 4 bed) with associated landscaping and private gardens, parking and internal access road.

Objections submitted - awaiting a decision.

13. 18/00213/DET08 – former Hedgeside development Hazel Way Chipstead – non-compliance with condition 8 of permission granted – referred to Planning Enforcement.

A retrospective planning application was submitted in November for the 2 entrances that had been built and the revised boundary treatment. Enforcement advised that objections or comments would not be permitted. The application was fast tracked to permission on December 20. An objection to this process and the decision has been submitted to RBBC.

14. 20/02362/F – Prospect Wells House Outwood Lane Chipstead – Demolition and erection of 3-storey residential building with 16 flats with associated access and works.

Objections submitted - awaiting a decision.