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Richmond Hill Drop-by Offering  'At-the-Door' Services Only

In response to the ongoing Omicron surge and other factors that place the health and safety of staff and participants at risk, The Richmond Hill Drop-by will provide 'at-the-door' services for access to meals, resources/ information, and harm reduction items, effective Friday, January 21st.

Access to washrooms and showers is not available for participants at this time. The "Newmarket Drop-by Program" located at 100 Eagle Street offers access to showers/washrooms and ample space in the facility for participants and staff to maintain physical distancing. For contact information and operating hours, please click here>>
Virtual Peer Support Groups ~ Conversation. Connections. Community.

Certainly, the pandemic has brought many challenges, with many of us experiencing a rollercoaster of emotions along the way.  Joining a support group can help you express your feelings, be open and honest, and connect with others who understand.  Groups are facilitated by Krasman Centre staff, who share their stories of hope in a safe and supportive environment. You are not alone. To learn more, please view our upcoming events calendar  or Download the February Calendar >>
Voice your concerns to help improve Mental Health & Addictions programs & services in Ontario

The Lived Experience Advocates for Mental Health & Addictions (LEAMHA) advocates for the needs and voice of individuals and communities served by the York Region and North Toronto Ontario Health Teams with regard to mental health and addictions and will facilitate communication and reports to its membership on how the Ontario Health Team addresses and/or acts upon members concerns and suggestions.  If you are a person with lived experience of mental health and/or addictions, we welcome your participation. Please register for the monthly meeting by sending an email to 
This meeting is held monthly, to discuss systemic issues of importance to people with lived experience and develop an action plan on how to address this with the Ontario Health Teams. 

Have you experienced the loss of a loved one in the last two years? 
Join us for an 8-week group for the opportunity to express your grief, learn about bereavement, and understand the journey we all share in losing someone special. This program is in partnership with York Support Services Network, Addiction Services of Central Ontario and Krasman Centre. Click here to learn more>>

"The reality is that you will grieve forever. You will not 'get over' the loss of a loved one; you will learn to live with it. You will heal and you will rebuild yourself around the loss you have suffered. You will be whole again but you will never be the same. Nor should you be the same nor would you want to." — Elisabeth Kubler-Ross​

Volunteer with Krasman Centre's Warm Line & Chat Support Services 

Our volunteers are a very significant part of the work we do every day at Krasman Centre. Through our warm line and chat support services, their effort helps make a positive impact on every person they interact with.    

We are currently looking for empathetic volunteers to support Krasman Centre's warm line and peer crisis support services, utilizing principles of wellness, hope and recovery. Volunteering is a meaningful way to lend support, not just to us but to individuals experiencing mental health and substance use challenges and trauma. Click here to apply >> 
5 ways to Tackle Isolation and Loneliness During a Pandemic 

1) Start your day with Gratitude - As you begin your day, one powerful way to shift your mindset is by asking yourself what you are thankful for. Don’t just think about it - stay it out loud. Expressing gratitude to yourself even if it's a small thing can set a good tone for your day. I am grateful I have a roof over my head. I am grateful today because I have a muffin to enjoy with a cup of coffee.

2) Unplug and Take Breaks – In this digital age where information and entertainment are so accessible, it’s hard not to be ‘plugged in’. A great way to tune in to our feelings and emotions is by turning off electronic devices (phones, tablets, tv) and taking breaks. Spend time with loved ones, or engage in quiet activities you enjoy - reading, journaling, word search puzzles, or playing with your pet!  Continue reading>>
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Krasman Centre · 10121 Yonge Street · Richmond Hill, On L4C 1T7 · Canada