[Image of Carl]

Welcome to Newsletter #227

A bunch of tales I wanted to share with you

A tale I read

Poem Beginning with a Line by Frank Lima by Lisa Jarnot
[Poem Beginning with a Line by Frank Lima by Lisa Jarnot]

A tale I heard

Actor and musician Kiefer Sutherland on doing things for yourself:

“Even if it is just an hour a day it can be painting, it can be building a model it can be yoga it can be meditating, it doesn't have to be a career, just find moments for yourself. Because I have watched a lot of people sacrifice a lot for really noble reasons for people around them and this is really just a plea to those people to find moments for themselves.”

A tale I saw

Fumble From Bumble by Leanne Shorley

A tale I wrote

Why not?
Open the blinds,
open the window,
headbutt the clouds.

Why not?
Trace your finger
around the outline
of the second hand
furniture shop. Pause.
Imagine the feel
of a broken armchair
against your spine
made out of jelly
and black sky.

Why not?
Melt. Explode.
Start again.
Give up.
Keep going.
I don't know.

Why not?
We'll see. 

A tail I like

[A tail I like]
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