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Parshas Yisro - Shishi with Rashi

The Yidden prepared for Matan Torah, and are now gathered around Har Sinai to receive it.

Hashem brought Shomayim down so it was on Har Sinai!

This was the most the Yidden would ever be able to see Hashem, and Hashem told Moshe to make sure none of them tried to come closer to Har Sinai to see better, because they can’t touch Har Sinai.

Moshe didn’t think the Yidden needed to be told again not to touch Har Sinai, because they were already told before. Hashem told Moshe to tell them again because there needs to be a warning before, and a warning at the actual time of Matan Torah too.

Finally, after all the preparations, Hashem was going to give the Torah, and now every Yid would have the zechus and achrayus to keep all of its mitzvos.

Hashem said all of the Aseres Hadibros all at once! Then Hashem said them again, one at a time.

1) Anochi — I am Hashem Who took you out of Mitzrayim!

2) Lo Yihiyeh — don’t have or serve idols

3) Lo Sisa — Don’t promise something silly or not true in Hashem’s name

4) Zachor — Remember and keep Shabbos

5) Kabeid — Honor your parents — Kibbud Av Va’eim

6) Lo Sirtzach — don’t kill

7) Lo Sinaf — don’t marry someone who is already married to someone else

8) Lo Signov — don’t kidnap

9) Lo Saaneh — don’t lie about someone in Beis Din

10) Lo Sachmod — don’t be jealous of other people’s things

Even though the Yidden only heard ten mitzvos, really, the whole Torah is hinted to in these Aseres Hadibros!

Something amazing happened at Matan Torah! It used to be that Ruchnius and Gashmius were always two separate things. Even though the Avos used Gashmius to do mitzvos, it never got kedusha! So the sticks that Yaakov Avinu used to do the mitzvah of tefillin with did not become holy afterwards! But as we learned in today’s Chumash, at Matan Torah, Shomayim came down to the world. After Matan Torah, even a Gashmius thing can become full of kedusha when we use it for mitzvos!

That’s also the reason why we see that some of the mitzvos in the Aseres Hadibros seem very obvious. Everyone understands on their own that it’s not right to kidnap! But after Matan Torah, these mitzvos also become full of kedusha! So when we don’t kidnap, we’re not just doing it because it makes sense, but because it’s a mitzvah that Hashem told us to do!

Throughout history, we see that many nations go against the Aseres Hadibros, even the mitzvos that make so much sense. They decided, when it was better for them, that it makes sense to do cruel things! The same thing is true with all of us! We can’t be sure that we will behave in the right way with other people if we do it only because it makes sense. The only way that we will keep these mitzvos of not hurting another person, even when it is hard, is if we do them with Kabolas Ol — because it is a mitzvah from Hashem. (See Likutei Sichos chelek Gimmel parshas Yisro, and many other places)



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In today’s Tehillim, we have the kapitel that the Leviim would sing in the Beis Hamikdash on Shabbos — the Shir Shel Yom for Shabbos.

One of the pesukim in this kapitel speaks about how everybody thanks Hashem on Shabbos.

Chassidus explains that the words “Tov Lehodos LaHashem” (it is good to praise Hashem) are talking about Shabbos.

Hashem is always good, but on Shabbos we can FEEL it! That’s why especially on Shabbos Hashem’s goodness makes us want to thank and praise Hashem!



Likutei Amarim Perek Chof-Gimmel

In the Zohar, mitzvos are called “Eivarim Demalka” — the “body parts” of the King (Hashem):

You have many parts in your body — your hands, feet, eyes, and mouth. But each of these parts don’t try to go do different things, they are all just tools for a person to do what he wants (his ratzon). If I have a ratzon to go get a drink, my feet and my hands work together automatically do what I want. If I have a ratzon to say something nice to my friend, my mouth will right away move to say those nice words.

The same thing is true with mitzvos, the “body parts” of Hashem! They are all ways to express what Hashem wants, what Hashem’s ratzon is in the world!

Lighting Shabbos candles, putting on Tefillin, and giving tzedakah are all tools to show what Hashem wants. So just like our whole body is always part of our ratzon, because it’s always ready to do exactly what WE want, the mitzvos are always part of HASHEM’s ratzon, they are what Hashem wants!

That’s why even though Hashem hides in the rest of the world, mitzvos show us what Hashem really wants — so Hashem isn’t hidden in the mitzvos!



Yud-Tes Shevat

The Rambam tells us what each of the 613 mitzvos are (in the Sefer Hamitzvos and the Rambam). The first mitzvah, the Rambam tells us, is the first thing Hashem told us in the Aseres Hadibros: To know that there is an Aibershter, Who makes everything be, and that all of our chayus comes only from Hashem.

This mitzvah uses a special part of ourselves that most other mitzvos don’t! Tefillin, lighting Shabbos candles, and giving tzedakah all use our hands. To go to shul or to visit a sick person — we use our feet. The havdalah candle uses our eyes. Saying nice things to a friend uses our mouth.

But this mitzvah is a mitzvah for our MIND, our brain.

Every Yid believes in Hashem, and is ready to do whatever Hashem wants. But this mitzvah tells us that it’s not enough to believe in Hashem — we need to use our mind to understand as much as we can! (We fulfill this mitzvah by learning Chassidus, which explains to us about Achdus Hashem!)



Shiur #222 - Mitzvas Asei #105

Today’s mitzvah is the same as yesterday’s. This mitzvah (Mitzvas Asei #105) is about another kind of tumah, called Tumas Shichvas Zera, a kind of liquid that makes things tomei. We need to follow the halachos about how someone becomes tomei from Zera, and how they make other things tomei.



Hilchos Shaar Avos HaTumos

In today’s Rambam, Perakim Tes-Vov, Tes-Zayin, and Yud-Zayin, we learn the halachos of “sofek” — when we are not sure about something that might have become Tomei.



Hilchos Shegagos - Perek Hey

In this perek, learn more cases about a person who does many aveiros at one time. Does he need to bring more than one korban?

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Ahavas Yisroel

Once a chossid came to the Rebbe Rashab in yechidus. He complained that the doctor told him he has to do a certain type of refuah to feel better, and it hurts him!

The Rebbe Rashab told him, “it seems to me that you haven’t begun to do the mitzvah of Ahavas Yisroel properly.”

The chossid wondered what the Rebbe Rashab meant.

The Rebbe Rashab continued, “You think that Ahavas Yisroel just means to dance with another Yid on Simchas Torah? Ahavas Yisroel can be very hard, or even hurt! If you really had Ahavas Yisroel, you would be used to things that are hard or painful, and the medicine wouldn’t bother you as much.”

Sometimes Ahavas Yisroel can be very hard — like if someone wasn’t nice to you. It isn’t easy to love them anyway, but that’s what the mitzvah is all about.

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Birchas Hamazon

We are learning about the pesukim at the end of bentching.

The first of these pesukim is “Magdil Yeshuos Malko.” We say this posuk right after the Horachaman asking Hashem to bring us the days of Moshiach!

There are actually two ways to say this posuk: During the week we say “Magdil Yeshuos Malko,” and on Shabbos we say “Migdol Yeshuos Malko.”

Magdil” means that it should BECOME great, and “Migdol” means a tower, which is already great!

The shira of Dovid Hamelech that his posuk comes from is written twice in Nach. In Tehillim it is written with the word “Magdil,” and in Shmuel Beis it is written with the word “Migdol.”

During the week, which is compared to Golus, we ask Hashem to make the kingdom of Dovid Hamelech great — Magdil Yeshuos Malko. But on Shabbos and Yom Tov, which are a taste of when Moshiach comes, we say Migdol, because then the melucha of Dovid Hamelech will already be great!




The Chachomim teach us that Ain Kiddush Ela Bemakom SeudahKiddush has to be connected to the seudah.

This means that in order to be yotzei Kiddush, you need to be eating right afterwards. This usually means eating the seudah of Shabbos, but what if you’re not ready to eat the meal yet? The halacha is that eating a kezayis of Mezonos (like cake or cookies), or drinking a revi’is of wine, are counted as a “seudah” for Kiddush.

So just because someone heard Kiddush doesn’t mean he is yotzei! If he didn’t eat then, he still needs to make or hear Kiddush again.

We will learn more about this IY”H tomorrow.

See Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch Siman Reish-Ayin-Gimmel, se’if Alef, Zayin and Ches

לעילוי נשמת הרה״ח ר׳ דניאל יצחק ע״ה בן ר׳ אפרים שי׳ מאסקאוויץ
שליח כ"ק אדמו"ר נשיא דורנו למדינת אילינוי



Moshiach and Matan Torah

The purpose of the world is for the times of Moshiach and Techiyas Hameisim. Then, the Achdus of Hashem will be revealed in the whole world!

Do you know when else the Achdus of Hashem was felt in the world? At the time of Matan Torah! So Matan Torah was a taste of Moshiach!

Now that it happened once, we have the koach to make it happen again — but this time, the time of the Geulah, it will stay that way forever!

See Tanya Perek Lamed-Vov

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נפטר ב' מנחם אב ה'תשע"ג

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