
SoMA Newsletter - January 2022

Happy New Year from SoMA!

The headline announcement for this New Year Year's message is that we are currently planning to hold a conference in London this summer. We're still working-out the details, and obviously there will be some pandemic-related variables to consider throughout the next few months, but we're hoping conduct the in-person event in a similar format to our past conferences- with a gala show taking place on the evening of July 20th, followed by two full conference days from July 21-22 at Goldsmiths, University of London. We’re also intending to employ some of the virtual tools and options that have been developed and refined over the course of these last few years.

We’re looking forward (with cautious optimism) to once again bringing together academics, researchers, and magicians from around the world and featuring top keynote speakers, with presentations and poster sessions about the latest science of magic research.

We'll have some more updates soon, including a call for presentation abstracts, and, in the meantime, here're some SoM-related news items. 

Stay safe & sane,

Matt Tompkins
On Behalf of the SoMA Committee

2021 Webinar Series Recordings
Our 'Conversations on Science, Magic, and Society' Webinar series is now completed, every webinar is freely available to watch on our website, so anyone can catch-up, re-watch, and share. Thanks again to everyone who contributed and participated in these events!   
New Paper: Balls, Bats,
and the Flushtration Count Illusion

A new paper by Cyril Thomas Marion Botella, and André Didierjean has been published in Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. The paper describes a novel experimental investigation of the relationship between the illusory experience that can result from a sleight-of-hand card move and more traditional measures of intuitive reasoning. 

You can read the full paper HERE
Matt Pritchard Wins 2021
Best Illusion of Year Contest

Congrats to Matt Prichard, who took the first prize in the latest Best Illusion of the Year Contest!

You can check out Matt's 'Phantom Queen' along with some of his worthy competition HERE
Congrats to
Dr. Steve Bagienski!

Last, but not least, congratulations to SoMA scientist, magician, and wellbeing researcher, *Dr* Steven E Bagienski, who successfully defended his doctoral thesis on the social and emotional experiences of watching and learning to perform magic!

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