Abolish? Defund? Reform?
Your insight needed this Saturday to improve community policing.

How to shift American police culture is a national, highly debated topic and requires the input of everyone in a community. St. Louis has been at the center stage of the debate for years and local change makers are listening and working to improve police policy in our metropolitan area. Members of the St. Louis County Council teamed up with Forward Through Ferguson and several other non profits in the region about a year ago to design a non-police first responder pilot program for St. Louis County. They are now in the process of setting up community meetings to discuss their plan and how it will work. They know the passion, creativity, and valuable opinions of young adults, and are especially interested in feedback from high school students from ALL counties in the area. Civitas is hosting their plan presentation and discussion this Saturday, January 29 from 9:00 am until 11:00 am at the Webster Groves Masonic Temple (12 East Lockwood, 63119).
Sign up here for this important morning of Police Reform discussion.
Meet Up for a Morning of Music Magic

Gabe Lepak, a graduate of SLUH and current student at St. Olaf College, has offered to share his expertise on music through the lens of American History on Saturday, February 5 from 10:00 am until noon. Here's Gabe's description of the morning:
American history is a long and varied thing, and one that people have been singing about since before the nation formally began. This event recalls the music of American history from the earliest songs of the enslaved to contemporary music protesting former president Donald Trump. Together we'll examine how American music has changed, how it's stayed the same, and what events people are singing about. Together we'll ask (and attempt to answer) questions such as: how effective is protest music anyway? How does music influence how we understand history? Are any of these songs any good?
Gabe is still in the planning stage of his presentation and he would love to hear specific time periods and/or events that interest you when you sign up.
Come listen and chat about great music and also check out the new home of Civitas at the World Community Center (438 N. Skinker Blvd., 63130) on Saturday, February 5th. Masks will be required when not eating snacks provided.
Click here to sign up now.
Saturday, January 29, 2022, 9:00 am-11:00 am
St. Louis County Council committee presents a Police Reform Plan, followed by discussion, at Webster Groves Masonic Temple, 12 East Lockwood, 63119.
Click here to sign up.
Saturday, February 5, 2022, 10:00 am-12:00 pm
Civitas intern, Gabe Lepak, junior at St. Olaf College, presents "History of Political Music," at the new Civitas location in the World Community Center, 438 N. Skinker Blvd., 63130.
Click here to sign up.

An eruption occurs at an underwater volcano about 30 kilometers (18.6 miles) southeast of Tonga's Fonuafo'ou Island on Friday, January 14.
This past week at the United Nations