
January 23, 2022

Бог се јави!
God is revealed!

This past Wednesday we celebrated the feast of THEOPANY which translates as God revealing Himself to humanity.
He revealed His nature-the Holy Trinity to us which in turn we simply remember by  proclamation and witness as the  historical Church.

Saint Athanasius said, if God revealed Himself to the world only to amaze people, it would mean He had come just to put on a show – and that is not the reason Christ came to us.

There is a great desire today for a quick solution – an inoculation – against physical sicknesses which might lead to death. 

This is not the reason Christ revealed Himself.

There is a great hope today for a political plan that will unite all peoples and bring equality to all mankind.

This, too, is not the reason Christ revealed Himself.

If we are looking for a good show, that is all we will see – and we will miss the real point of what God is doing in the world.

If we are looking for a show, that’s all we will get.

We suffer from two sicknesses – death and division – are universal.

Death and division are spiritual problems which have their root at the foundation of human existence. we need a spiritual not human tinkering, not economic planning, not revolutions, not healthier communities.

Outside the Church, peoples of all nations have always and will remain at odds and divided.

Inside the Church there is One Race of Orthodox Christians… and anyone who teaches differently stands against the life and witness of the saints and martyrs of the Lord Jesus Christ.

God  did not come into the world to put on a show. He did not send the Holy Spirit upon His apostles to put on a show.

Christ healed the ancient curse of death by dying on the Cross, and rising on the third day.

He revealed the Holy Trinity to heal the ancient curse of division, by sending the Holy Spirit into the world, to unite those baptized into His Body in the historic Church. Open your eyes to see! Open your mouth to proclaim what the historical Church  has said for almost 2,000 years...

Ваистину се Бог јави!

Truly God is revealed!


As of this publication the upcoming week's weather forecast predicts that this Tuesday's evening temperature will be @4 

So rather than sending a
mid-week notice ...
this Tuesday night's
Adult Bible Study
Please help spread the word

This year's St. SAVA Celebration

We as a parish will be celebrating
St. Sava on Sunday, January 30th
after the Divine Liturgy.


There will not be a program.
we will be having a "Pot-Luck Luncheon"

and we are asking everyone to bring "something to the table" for all to enjoy!


One of the most interesting discussions from our Adult Bible Studies involves the
Theology of St. Gregory of Palamas.

We also discovered that St. Gregory was equally interesting to the well known Canadian Physiologist Dr. Jordan Peterson. 
Our study group felt that this
Youtube presentation should be shared .

Be enlightened and
"CLICK" the above photo!

Saint Gregory as our written fresco here at St George

Home blessings
for 2022 have begun

Please call Fr. Rade
at 248-760-2182
to arrange a visit

Not bad...think about it!

Join us to see what it means to be "Orthodox by choice"...

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