
Hackney Parks and Green Spaces Newsletter

Volunteer in your local park!
If you would like to get some exercise in your local green space and meet new people, why not sign up to one of the many volunteering opportunities that are happening in our parks this month. You could help pick litter in Abney Park, Clapton Common, London Fields or Springfield Park. You could help look after the nature reserve at East Bank West Bank, or the hedges of Stoke Newington Common. You could help out in a wildlife garden, maintain the orchard in Springfield Park or help plant trees in Millfields. You could even help look after the Butterfly Dome in Clissold Park. Further details of all these opportunities are in the 'Events' section at the bottom of the email.

Abney Park update
Work is progressing nicely at Abney Park. The old classroom has been demolished, and the contractors are now working on the foundations for the new structures. The foundations for the new toilets at the Chapel are completed and the foundations of the new Community/Education building will be completed this week. 

Abney Park Ecology Group
If you're interested in helping the Abney Park Trust protect and promote the wildlife of Abney Park, why not join their new Ecology Group? 

The group intends to be involved in all kinds of activities such as ecological surveys, educational events and habitat improvement work. If you're interested in joining the group as a volunteer please email with the words "Ecology Group Volunteer" in the subject line, giving a contact email address and a few words about your interest in and experience of Abney Park and wildlife.

Find out more about who's buried in Abney Park
Abney Unearthed is a project that seeks to discover more about who is buried in this fascinating space. On 27 February The Abney Unearthed tour takes you on a journey of discovery into the history of common graves and the people interred within since the cemetery opened in 1840. 

Clissold Park Butterfly Dome
Clissold Park User Group have been very active in helping to look after the butterfly dome in recent years. After a break during the pandemic, they are again looking for volunteers to help clear some of the weeds and tidy them up. Meet at the butterfly dome on Sunday 27th February (1pm) for a couple of hours. 

Clissold Park Tennis Courts

Work to improve the fencing at Clissold Park Tennis Courts will start on 14 February and is expected to last 8-10 weeks. The courts will be closed in sections of four courts at a time while the work takes place, starting with courts 1,2,3 & 4. 

Stoke Newington Common
Stoke Newington Common User Group are looking for volunteers to help thin and manage the hedge by the railway fence. Sessions will take place on Saturday 19 And Sunday 20 February, 10.30 -1pm. Meet by the tree seat. All tools will be provided, but bring loppers if you have them.

Springfield Park

This month sees the launch of our brand new FREE outdoor activity programme for under 5s in Springfield Park. Little Explorers is for parents and carers to connect with nature, every Thursday from 10am - 11.30am, starting on 24 February.

In our Parks and Green Spaces Strategy we commit to "Replacing all single use bins with dual use recycling bins". It is great to see this work starting at Springfield Park, with new dual purpose recycling bins being installed recently. These will enable us to manage our waste in a more responsible way, as well as increasing the overall bin capacity in the park.  Five of the bins also include a compartment for litter pickers which will be available for volunteers to help keep the park clean. 

Pathway repairs have also recently been completed in Springfield Park, including pothole and crack repairs as well as some areas of full reconditioning. This work is important to ensure the safety of all our users, and it is great to see it happen so quickly with minimal disruption. 

Hackney Downs
Thank you to Hackney Downs User Group, who recently planted 400 bulbs that were awarded to them through the Metropolitan Public Gardens Association's annual bulb grant.

Until the sun starts shining again and we can play cricket in our parks, we have partnered with Middlesex Cricket and the ACE Foundation to deliver FREE indoor cricket sessions for primary school children at the new Britannia Leisure Centre. The sessions are every Wednesday 4pm - 5.30pm. Register here.

Walking Together

In partnership with The Ramblers, Walking Together provides a range of regular wellbeing walks across Hackney, including a new Well Street Common Walk (Fridays, 12-1.15pm). After an extended break the London Fields walk returns on Wednesday 2 February, 12.15-1pm from outside of Hackney Town Hall. More info.

Herb Growing Training Programme

Hackney Herbal is running a Herb Growing Training Programme consisting of both practical and theoretical sessions. This is a great opportunity for someone who wants to learn about and gain experience in organic gardening and herb cultivation. This opportunity is open to residents of Hackney and Hackney Wick who identify as BPOC (Black People and People of Colour). This is for a group of 5 people and each trainee will receive £1000 as a bursary. The deadline to apply is the 7th February 2022. Full details.


Recently cleaned Abney War Memorial (courtesy of Abney Park Trust)

Clissold Park by Christine

History corner - Clapton Square

The name Clapton comes from the Saxon word Clop’ton meaning ‘farm on the Hill’ and was part of the medieval settlement known as Hackney. Agriculture was central to the village economy and the area prospered. Clapton Square sits directly on an ancient drover’s route known as the Black Path. The path was used to move livestock from Waltham Abbey and beyond to Smithfields Market in the centre of London.

Population in the area increased and in 1792 construction of the Church of St John began on the site adjacent to Clapton Field, which would eventually become Clapton Square; construction of the church was completed in 1797. In 1816 Clapton Square was laid out as a private space for the residents of the houses around the Square. Clapton Square ceased officially to be a private Square in 1923 when its
management was taken over by the local government corporation.

You can read more about Clapton Square's history in the site's management plan.


Clapton Square, 1746, with route of Black Path visible


Due to Covid 19 events are likely to have restricted numbers, and may be cancelled with late notice. Please register with the event to ensure you receive the latest information and to ensure that attendance numbers are controlled.
And finally...
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