

Dear friends,

We hope this email finds you happy and healthy after the holiday season. As 2022 gets underway, please find below our latest news from the month of January.

This month, FYF finished a structural analysis on the Hardan massacre, one of the worst atrocities committed by ISIS during the 2014 genocide. The confidential report, which is the first comprehensive investigation into the Hardan massacre, has been shared with two UN mechanisms and national prosecutors in seven different countries.  We hope that this report will aid authorities in better understanding the detailed methodology, intent, and actions of ISIS members when it overtook individual towns and villages during the Yezidi Genocide, and aid in prosecuting those responsible.

Click above for more.
This report is made possible by generous support of the American people through the United States’ Department of State. The contents are the responsibility of FYF and do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Department of State or the United States Government.

FYF participated in a panel hosted by Amnesty International following the world's first criminal prosecution, in Germany, for the Yezidi Genocide. 
Unfortunately, the new year has not seen an end to Turkish airstrikes in the Yezidi homeland of Sinjar. Yezidis were killed in strikes on January 21, 2022, further terrorizing the local community who are trying to rebuild their lives post-genocide. A detailed thread can be found here.
Our Enterprise and Training Center in Khanke is continuing to grow. We hope 2022 brings more success and opportunities for our staff to engage. We have already welcomed several visitors this year. They have been able to meet with our artisans and sample our delicious snacks at our bakery, Sugar is Sweet. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you are in Duhok and would like to visit.
Thank you all, as always, for your steadfast support of the Yezidi community.

Pari Ibrahim
Executive Director
Free Yezidi Foundation
In the News
DeMorgen | Zweden En Frankrijk Gaan Samenwerken Voor Vervolging Genocide Jezidi’s | FYF is quoted in this Belgian article on the establishment of a French-Swedish team to prosecute perpetrators of the Yezidi genocide.

Kurdistan 24 | Sweden and France set up joint investigation team for crimes against Yezidis | FYF is quoted, saying: "This is a very important initiative by the EU. It is a little bit late, to be totally honest, but it is a good step."
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