

Hospitality is an interesting word, mentioned 4 times in the NT – Rom 12:13, 1 Tim 3:2, Tit 1:8, 1 Pet 4:9. The Greek word is Philoxenia which means love of the stranger. The opposite in our English language is xenophobia – hatred or fear of the foreigner/stranger. 
What is interesting is that we often think of hospitality as having good friends round for a meal, but the bible definition is clear, it’s inviting in those we really don’t know that well. The stranger also suggests people who may be more on the margins, less likely to be well connected, have good groups of friends or strong support networks. They are more likely to be vulnerable and possibly have needs. 
For these reasons hospitality can be challenging. We, of course, have to take into account the protection of vulnerable adults or children in our own households when we consider who to invite in, but the command is clear. As Rom 12:3 says, we should be ‘given to hospitality’. To be given to something suggests a lifestyle devoted to it!
It was the practice of Jesus and his followers in the gospels. Tim Chester in his book ‘A meal with Jesus’ says “In Luke’s Gospel Jesus is either going to a meal, at a meal, or coming from a meal.” It’s the way the gospel spread in the New Testament church, from house to house. It’s the way that disciples were made, through gathering in the various house churches. The Early church gathered for Agape meals where they broke bread, but also welcomed the stranger in. 
A young woman who came to faith recently through our home based Alpha course, has been round our meal table for most weeks over the last year. The discipling has been extremely low key, but her spiritual growth has been staggering. She is on a fast-track to becoming a disciple-maker.
How could we all grow in our courage and confidence in becoming more hospitable? It may seem like a small thing, but it could just be the key to growing our churches and making disciples. It’s a gift for the whole body of Christ. 
I love the way that Stockton Parish Church opened their doors to the strangers in the town centre before Christmas, practicing hospitality as a whole church to the town centre. Read and enjoy the story below. 


Missional Story 

Stockton  Sparkles
Christmas is a time of joy and excitement and Stockton Parish Church experienced this when they opened their doors to the people of their town. Stockton-on-Tees is a large market town in NE and John told the story of how his church got involved in his town's activity. Stockton was celebrating the turning on of the town tree lights and the church used this opportunity to invite people in for hot chocolate and a chat. They were thrilled by the response as over 500 people poured through the door, happy to drink the hot chocolate and warm their hearts with chats with the friendly team. There was a wonderful atmosphere and they received lovely comments about the welcome and cheerful Christmas decorations. They were entertained by seasonal tunes from a singer and invited to Christmas movies and Carol services during the upcoming weeks. 



The church was encouraged by so many responses and hope to be able to repeat the hospitality when the town celebrates other events in the future. Now people know what is behind the doors, and the team can be better prepared for the volume of the crowds, they look forward to being able to warmly welcome them in to share the good news of Jesus.
What a simple yet effective way to share hope and offer friendship to the people around them. 
Kx Community of Practice 2022 

Time to dream again
Tuesday 8th - Wednesday 9th February 2022

There is still time to sign up!! Don't miss out..
Please join us as we look at the future shape of church in the light of all the global and societal changes taking place. Bring your church team to share, be equipped and enlightened to make a difference.
We have some inspiring speakers, so come to be encouraged.
We would love to spend time with you and hope to seeing you there.

Who is invited? 
  • Kairos Connexion Family Church teams
  • Church leadership teams that have been part of a 3DM or Kx Learning Community/Community of Practice 
  • Experiences practitioners and their teams who are leading out of the values of missional discipleship within the UK 
Register Here

We recommend that you bring a team of between 3-6 people although there is no upper limit.  

Who is my neighbour and how do I love him?


Do you need more confidence in reaching people around you? 

Equip your church members to grow in missional confidence with this resource. Brighter is a 4 week course for church members to grow in missional confidence. Through a mixture of video and hosted sessions, members will grow in 3 confidences –
- confidence to tell their faith story,
- confidence to talk about Jesus, 
- confidence to invite people to something

Brighter -  3 Good News Habits to Help You Shine

Encourage your Church to make a difference in their home, neighbourhood and workplaces.

Job Opportunity at St. Barnabas Cambridge

The Diocese of Ely: St Barnabas Church, Cambridge (summer 2022)
An exciting opportunity has recently arisen to serve as a curate at St Barnabas Church from summer 2022. Sitting clearly in the charismatic, evangelical tradition it has an inspiring vision to be a mission church to the region, seeking for every disciple to engage with mission. The way this is described is; followers of Jesus sharing the goodness of God with everyone, and church members are encouraged to live this out in communities across the city as well as gatherings on Sunday. The church is led by Rev. Anne Maclaurin supported by Associate Vicar Rev. Tim Smith, a small staff team and highly dedicated lay leaders including a Pioneer Local Lay Minister. In this last year, St. Barnabas sent out a planting team for revitalisation in a local church and started new communities & outreach initiatives. This curacy will suit someone who has mission central to their understanding of discipleship, is servant hearted, courageous, prayerful, highly motivated and who enjoys the adventure that faith in Jesus brings.

More information can be found at

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