This month, ROW highlights the Indiana University-Purdue University Department of Earth Sciences contributions to the Pogue's Run Waterway. In December, IUPUI Hydrology students presented their findings on the effectiveness of collective stream restoration work to the Pogue's Run Waterway Committee.
ROW's decade-long partnership with the Department began with Director of Urban Health, and former ROW-Steering Committee Co-Chair, Gabe Filippelli. While projects like Greening Pleasant Run Waterway and a three-year National Science Foundation grant to study stream health of Pogue's Run have concluded, ROW's Metric Manager, Kelly Brown, continues to lead Hydrology students in stream habitat and water quality assessments to measure the impacts of stream bank habitat restorations.
These stream assessments help inform the neighbors and future projects about the impact of volunteer work completed by waterway volunteers alongside partners like Cummins Inc., Indy Land Stewardship, and Keep Indianapolis Beautiful, Inc. The Pogue's Run Committee was glad to hear that habitat restoration work at Spades Park has lead to an improvement of the natural ecology of the Run, including an increase in the stream's capacity to remove heavy metal pollutants, like lead, and withstand events like excessive nutrient loads in rainstorms.
ROW and its communities have greatly benefited and learned from the partnership with IUPUI Department of Earth Sciences over the past decade. If you would like to participate in a stream assessment, our Pogue's Run Committee is organizing a waterway-wide assessment in March. Email on how to get involved.