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January 19, 2022

Friends and Neighbors,

Yesterday, the Alaska Legislature gaveled into session. I am now in Juneau at the Capitol building, and although I'm a little further away, I still need to hear from District 36 residents! If you have any topics or issues that are important to you, don't hesitate to contact me:


How to Stay Informed

During session, all committee meetings and Floor sessions are streamed live at That website also has a slew of other information, such as bill tracking, committee membership, and voting records. Feel free to give our office a call or an email if you are interested in learning more on how to navigate the AKLeg website or check out the "Get Started" tab:
Meet our Office
From left to right: Caroline Hamp, Abigail Sweetman, Liz Harpold
Caroline Hamp works on issues related to Health & Social Services and Education, and has been working with our office for six sessions.

Abigail Sweetman started with us a few months ago and this will be her first session in Juneau. She is our organizational and outreach staff person, and she will most likely be the staff person you chat with when you call the office. 

Liz Harpold has been working in our office for five sessions now and is predominantly our Finance Aide. She works on issues related to fisheries, mariculture, the visitor industry, and AMHS.
My Legislation

This year, my primary focus will be the budget and working towards a long-term sustainable fiscal plan. However, I also am carrying two pieces of legislation:

House Bill 31, Observe Daylight Saving Time All Year - this bill would allow Alaska to stay on Daylight Saving Time all year round if approved by the Federal government. We would no longer 'fall back' and would be only three hours time difference from the East Coast during half of the year. 

House Bill 41, Shellfish Projects - this bill would create regulations within the Department of Fish & Game to allow qualified non-profits to pursue enhancement and restoration projects for species like red and blue king crab, sea cucumber, abalone, and razor clams.
Community Weather Issues

It is only January, but it has already been a long winter! I am aware of multiple weather and infrastructure related issues in our communities - the Wolf Point rockslide, Hyder's big snowfall, and pipe freezes in both Saxman and Hydaburg. I am actively working with the Department of Transportation and the Governor's office to help however I can.
As always, please feel free to email me at or call at (907) 247-4672 any time.


Representative Dan Ortiz

My Interim Office:
1900 First Ave, Ste. 310
Ketchikan, AK 99901
(907) 247-4672
Contact the Governor
Email: click here
(907) 465-3500

Contact our DC Delegation
Senator Dan Sullivan (202) 224-3004
Senator Lisa Murkowski (202) 224-6665
Congressman Don Young (202) 225-5765
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