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News from Alles Law

» You took the first big step in creating an estate plan - scheduling your consultation with Alles Law. And you’re probably wondering… what will that consultation look like? Here are a few things to help prepare you for that first meeting:

Our team will send you an information worksheet to complete ahead of time & bring to your meeting. This worksheet provides a great snapshot of your current situation and helps the attorneys make the best recommendations for your family.

If you have existing estate planning documents, you’ll want to bring those as well.

Most consultations take about an hour.

Our attorneys promise to make these meetings as engaging as possible!

Together with an attorney, you will discuss your estate planning goals and design your plan on a whiteboard.

Feel confident that all considerations like remarriage, having children, health changes, and retirement are covered in a plan that is unique to your family.

The Race Is On!
All five of our Alles Law attorneys are nominated for the Grand Rapids Kids 2022 Grandtastic Awards … how will you vote? This will be a close one! 🏁

How to Vote:
Category: Shopping and Services ➡️ Attorney - Wills and Trusts 
Vote for: Tim Alles, Jordan Bush, Savannah Robinson, Chris Shourds, or Amber Soler.
Voting automatically enters you to win a $200 gift card to a local business of your choice! 

⭐️🏆 Winners are announced in the spring edition of the 2022 Grandtastic Guide, which will list the top voted people or places for each category. ⭐️

Voting ends February 16th, 2022
A common misconception is that a will helps you to avoid probate court. This is false.

Upon your death, a will only means you WILL go through probate court. (Get it?)

If you're thinking to yourself, "I have a will, is that enough?" Make sure to ask yourself these questions:

👶 Do you have minor children? 
♿️ A child with special needs or a disability?
👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 A blended family?
💼 Own a business?
❌ Have adult children that don’t get along?
🏡 Have a family cottage?

If you answered YES to any of these questions … 
a will is NOT enough. When you die, your loved ones will have to go through probate during estate settlement, which causes stress and costs money. Creating a personalized estate plan can reduce the burden left with your family if the unthinkable happens. 

Don't worry, we can help. Schedule a free consultation with one of our estate planning lawyers. 

Where you keep your estate plan is just about as important as what is in it. Why? Because you want it to be easy for someone to find it after you die. 

Here at Alles Law, we keep digital copies of each client's signed documents. But, all of the physical originals go home with the client.

"Documents should be kept safely where loved ones would:

1) Know where to look.
2) Be reasonably able to access them. 

 We do not recommend storing estate planning documents in safe deposit boxes. Accessing safe deposit boxes often requires a court order, which can take a substantial amount of time and expense. Instead, store your documents at your house in a waterproof and fireproof safe.”

- Jordan Bush, Attorney 

In the week of my Dad’s passing, I called 11 credit card companies to inform them of his passing. Each call took about 30 minutes – from wading through the automated system to multiple transfers to the appropriate department. It was awful.

My Dad told me the debt would just go away once he passes. He thought showing the death certificate would magically wipe the $65K he owed away. It didn’t. I didn’t know.

This story isn’t unique. People know that losing a loved one will bring grief, but the “business side” of death is often unexpected. 

Key Takeaways:

① Debt is not “magically” wiped away upon death.

② Some debt can go away, if you follow the law precisely and timely (i.e. work with an estate settlement lawyer).

③ Planning ahead is preferred ——> be sure you and your parents have an estate plan in place (will, trust, powers of attorney) if you don’t already have them.


If you need an ally as you navigate the complexities of estate settlement, give us a call. We are here to help!

Give us a call at 616-365-5055 or schedule a free consultation today.

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