health livestream syntropy contagion

Hi <<First Name>>,

In case you missed my first four LIVESTREAMS on Facebook / YouTube, I wanted to send you a little recap of where we are in our journey of RECONSIDERATION!

We began this SYNTROPIC exploration of society’s views about health with a talk about STORIES. In this video, we discussed the idea that everything, whether scientifically observed or personally witnessed, is interpreted through stories that reflect our individual beliefs combined with societal belief systems.

In the second talk, we considered giving up on the idea of ILLNESS as an experience to be avoided or prevented [neither of which are energies we can find evidence of in Nature], and instead seeing it as an OPPORTUNITY TO learn and ADAPT - to build resiliency.

In the third discussion, we began to apply curiosity to our society’s foundational beliefs about how disease spreads. After exploring the physical CONTAGION hypothesis from three distinctly different angles - it seemed like the idea of - I cough, you get sick from my droplets - doesn’t necessarily hold water.

The first piece of EVIDENCE being an experimental research study commissioned by the U.S. Public Health Service and published in 1919 in the heart of the Spanish Flu pandemic, that could not seem to demonstrate the idea that illness spreads from one human to another through biological material, mucus, cough droplets and the like - even after swabbing, spraying and injecting the bodily fluids of infected people into the orifices of those who are healthy AND performing direct, non-socially distanced contact like having the sick subjects cough directly in the faces of the healthy. [Promise I am not making it up!] Check out the link - you’ll have to purchase the full study but even the abstract is worth a read.

Then we took a historical approach, examining stories from pandemics of the past when disease spread faster than the capacity of any mode of transportation at the time could carry an infected human to spread the disease around. Even sailors at sea spontaneously came down with infectious diseases even after months at sea without any possible contact with an infected source. Hmm…

And finally, in that same conversation about CONTAGION, we looked at the world of molecular and microbiology considering the new discoveries that raindrops contain microorganisms, and clouds transport these microbes long distances.

{Now I am sure there are going to be some who mistakenly interpret what I am saying as a caution to wear masks and hazmat suits in the rain - but PLEASE DO NOT do that - that is not what I am suggesting.}

Last week’s conversation introduced the awe-inspiring nature of germs within us and all around us. We learned that viruses especially are ever-present, accessible in a breath of indoor and OUTDOOR air. If you watched only one of the prior videos, I would highly recommend this one. Social distancing and covering your mouth with a cloth may feel even more unnatural and ineffective than ever before. Check out the video and recap via the link below.

Stay connected with me on the Socials to stay in the loop!

See you tonight, Monday at 8:30 PM EST for the next livestream on INFECTION!

With Love & Syntropy,

MPH, c.Hom

~Founder of Soul to Soil

~Homeopathic Healing Consultant

~Emotional Energy Coach

~Maternal and Child Health Specialist

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In case you missed Monday’s livestream, here it is!

Reconsidering GERMS through the lens of Syntropy