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AZ Low Carb Practitioners.

Meet fellow AZ Low Carb Practitioners

Join Zoom meeting, tomorrow, 2/15 7-8pm MST Arizona

Meeting ID: 939 8412 4891
Passcode: 456789

Meet fellow clinicians and coaches from Arizona and Nevada who practice therapeutic carbohydrate reduction or ketogenic diet therapies to improve metabolic health.

Introduce yourselves and meet other metabolic health focused practitioners. Time to consult on challenging cases. Discuss recent conferences, papers & developments.  We share opportunities to present to monthly AZ Low Carb Consumer meet ups. Practitioners from this group present and field the question and answer portion.

Future meetings -

3rd Tuesdays of each month.  3/15, 4/19, 5/17. 7-8pm MST Arizona.  Meeting since May 2021.

Type 1 Diabetes, low-carb & metabolic health

Have you had patients with T1D who asked for a low carb approach? Then we'd appreciate your filling out our survey for practitioners about Type 1 diabetes & low carb nutrition therapies. We're part of a working group developing practice parameters for nutritional therapies for type 1 diabetes. 

Grants for 501(c)(3) charities fighting diabetes 

You might want to get involved with a Sun Life's Team Up Against Diabetes grant program. Applications due March 31st.

Take care!
Cecile Seth
Cofounder & Project Manager, Metabolic Multiplier

P.S. Cory Jenk's upcoming book, Permission to Care: Building a Healthcare Culture That Thrives in Chaos is open for preorders

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