
You signed up for the Elicit waitlist some time ago. Thanks for your patience; Elicit is now free and open to the public. 

Elicit is a research assistant that uses language models like GPT-3 to automate parts of the research process. The core Elicit workflow is literature review and answering questions with research.

If you ask a question, we will return papers (currently from Semantic Scholar) that answer your question. We will also process those papers to make them easy for you to understand.

For example, we'll show you:
  1. Summaries
  2. Critiques written by other researchers about each paper
  3. Population, intervention, and outcome of empirical studies
  4. Paper type (e.g. whether it is a systematic review, randomized controlled trial, etc.) 


To learn more about Elicit, you can check out our feature announcementsTwitter, or YouTube pages. If you want to chat with the team building Elicit or other researchers using it, you can join our Slack Channel

Try Elicit here & let me know if you have any questions!

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