"I am a revolutionary feminist because I want me to be free." - Pat Parker
On February 14th VirtualPoets! is celebrating the work of Elana Dykewomon. Lesbian activist, writer, organizer Dykewomon has contributed significantly to the literary communities of the San Francisco Bay Area. Her work will be read by Avotcja, Jewelle Gomez, Lourdes Figueroa, Norma Smith and our host Kim Shuck. The celebration will be followed by the usual open mic. Reading will begin, as always, at 7pm PT.
Read more about our honoree, Elana Dykewomon, here.

Click the link below to join the zoom room:
Zoom Link
Elana is dealing with a health issue. if you want to stay up to date, you can follow her Caring Bridge site.

On February 10th 4pm E.T. Spelman College and Women Make Movies are hosting a screening of THE PASSIONATE PURSUITS OF ANGELA BOWEN  produced by Jennifer Abod. There will also be an archival presentation and discussion about the Black Feminism scholar Angela Bowen. Register for the zoom event here.

All of the issues of the Black Lesbian Newsletter, later Onyx, have been digitized by the GLBT Historical Society in San Francisco and are available to read online.
Kim Corsaro, former publisher and editor of the San Francisco Bay Times has died. Read a moving tribute to the trailblazer here.
Read Bitch Magazine's take down of the myth of the intrinsically white alternative music scene in There is no punk without Black Women.
Julie is doing a happy dance because her forthcoming book, OutWrite: The Speeches that Shaped LGBTQ Literary Culture, just received a “starred” review at Publisher’s Weekly.
We are swooning over the imagery in Gabrielle Calvocoressi's "She Ties My Bow Tie" in the New York Times.

ReadOut Festival of Lesbian Literature is hosting their annual writing workshops and panels February 18th-20th. Register here.

Two of the panels we are excited about are "Rural Spaces and Queer Women" hosted by Catharine Wright and Estela González. As well as "Root to Fruit: Producing Speculative Fiction By and About People of Color" hosted by Tenea D. Johnson and Silk Jazmyne.

For the Gen Zers: "Why is My TikTok For You Page All Lesbians?’ Asks Woman Who is About to Realize Why"
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