

Welcome to Episode 9


I just finished listening to the fantastic Sir Clive Woodward interview on "The High Performance Podcast".  It was great.  I have a passion for learning, especially listening to others that have been through so many experiences in life.

I was recommended the podcast from a client, and I fully immerse myself in anything that is recommended especially when it can better your performance in both sport and life.

He talks about non-negotiables.  Principles that you should stick to that then become your traits.  I have been fortunate to spend time with teams on tour and in championships and the philosophies he speaks of are so easily transferable into daily life.

He talks about 3D learning.  Discover, Distill and Do. 

Discover - Learn about the topic or task and what brings success
Distill - Break it down into smaller achievable processes
Do - Practice these areas and improve performance.

I have done this process recently with running. 
Discover - What makes a successful runner (training, nutrition, load management, strength training and staying injury free).
Distill - Training - (a plan, gradual overload, varied intensity etc), Nutrition ( pre / during / post ), load management ( training volumes, intensities, other life stresses, sleep, injuries etc), strength training (specific to your needs and appropriate exposure to gain adaptations) and staying injury free ( holy grail - a specific mix of the previous posts tailored for you, listening to your body, dose > response)
Do - Practice all of the above consistently and frequently.  Commit to the processes, work back from the goal outcome. Do the basics well, ignore the fluff.

I find this really reinforces what I am trying to put together at  Physiorun Resource centre for runners to manage their injuries and continue to progress to their personal best.  Furthermore I am using my network of strength coaches, sports psychologists, running coaches along with guided strength programmes to achieve these distilled principles.

Lastly Sir Clive uses the phrase throughout "Will it make the boat go faster?"  a simple question that asks does this improve my performance/situation.  Next time you are doing a drill, exercise, session, hydrating or fueling a run ask yourself - is this making my boat quicker - if the answer is no, chose something that will.

Sir Clive Woodward The High Performance Podcast E28

I thoroughly recommend listening to the podcast, I wrote so many notes, but would love if you reached out on  and told me your take home points.  My personal point was "Belief requires evidence" to believe that something will happen you have to gather evidence to show it will.

If you have a resource that you would like to share to the wider running community - drop me an email and it could be you featuring in the e-bombs.

This month I was humbled to be on the RGU Physiotherapy Society podcast talking about my passion - Physiotherapy and running injuries.  I discuss all things from diagnosis to treatment and everything in-between.

If you are injured, or have an interest in injuries have a listen here
New Services Upcoming

*Online booking service for appointments with James Cruickshank -
*Continued growth of the Physiorun Resource Centre 
- Subscription (£5/month) full access to all online classes (Unlace the Brace/Running From Injury/Core For Running/masters athlete masterclass), Marathon Spotlights and lots more Blog posts.
sign up here

For information on these new services from Physiorun in collaboration with SPEAR Physiotherapy please contact me on :
Thanks again for subscribing to the email and I look forward to the next months knowledge bombs already.  My goal is to support you on your journey.  Ultimately I look to get you to your finishing line by either improving your performance, avoiding injury or returning to your pre-injury level.

Run Long and Prosper.

James @physiorun
Everyone should have the tools to run injury free
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