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I feel excited coming into 2022. It feels more expansive, light, and free. I am looking forward to more sunny days and also have enjoyed our wood burning stove, shorter cozy days and some skiing. Listening to the 2021 review of Functional Medicine, I was both awestruck at the changes and inspired by the masses looking for alternatives in healthcare. I was also, validated in my ideas of having group sessions, realizing that other doctors have been implementing this model and calling it “shared medical appointments”.   This is such a hit as it serves as a shared experience for people with their health challenges. Anytime we feel alone in any given situation, it makes it harder to move through it. Having group sessions allows participants to connect, share experiences, feel supported all while gaining clinical headway with their doctor that is tracking their improvements. Please reach out if this is something you are interested in.

Functional Medicine is a fairly new field of healthcare and scientific methods involving testing and you-centered care. What I used to call Metabolic Regulation, I am known drawn to stating as Bioregulatory Medicine. The word “metabolic” always threw people off thinking it had to do with how quickly one burns energy or calories. Really, it encompasses how the nervous system and endocrine systems function, and my form of testing also gives us markers for the Immunoinflammatory state.  You are correct, Immunoinflammation is just what is sounds like. To combine words, we put an “o” between them. The same is true for Craniosacral 😊 So, now that you have that little tidbit of information, you’ll know what I am referring to when I speak about the in-house testing I do.

I hope you enjoy the new format. Simply choose what topic intrigues you -  PICK & CLICK:
A Happy Chinese Lunar New Year message to welcome in the Yang Water Tiger. 
February 1st 2022 - 21st January 2023, on this New Moon in Aquarius... click to continue reading. 
Digest your way to better health. Make this the year you get on top of your health!
Success comes with practice? No. Patience? No. Connection and accountability is how and why programs like AA are so effective. Partner with me and Transformation coach Jodi Parsons-Cresina for a 12 week Reboot.

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