
GJCL December & January 2021/2022 

Table of Contents 

1. Updates on State Convention
2. Alae Mercurii Winter Submissions
3. Club of the Month

Happy Lunar New Year!

1. Updates on State Convention

Date: April 23 and 24th, 2022
Where: Rock Eagle 4-H Center, Eatonton, GA
Registration: March 13-April 13, 2022

cantantes licet usque (minus via laedit) eamus
Vergil, Eclogues, 9.64
"Let us go signing as far as we go -- the road will be less tedious"

The GJCL Executive Board met this weekend and has decided to offer the 2022 GJCL Convention at Rock Eagle.  We have tried to take most schools’ situations into account, and we have planned the event accordingly.  Full details, including the tentative schedule, will be published in the GJCL Convention FAX on Monday, February 21, 2022.  

You can find the minutes here from this meeting. But here is also a recap to provide you with an outline as you consider how you will attend: 

We have three levels of participation this year:

1)  Virtual Only.  Virtual offerings will be offered for a week prior to April 23, and these will include most academic tests, some creative arts contests, and some graphic arts events.  In addition, virtual delegates may run for elected and appointed office.

2)  One Day Convention on April 23.  We will pack as much into this one-day event as possible, and it will include more Academic testing options, certamen, workshop sessions, spoken Creative Arts contests, more Graphic Arts options, some Olympika and Ludi, a General Assembly, and access to the elections process.  In addition, lunch and dinner will be included.  (Times:  Registration will begin at 8:00 am, and events will conclude at 8:00 pm.)  All Virtual Activities will be available to these students.

3)  One Day Convention with overnight option.  These delegates will have access to everything in #2, as well as social events on Saturday evening, and on Sunday morning breakfast, the Awards Assembly, and a final General Assembly .  As much as possible housing will be in new cabins, and schools that allow only two students per room will be accommodated.  Schools that opt to spend the night should plan to be ready to leave campus by 11:30 am.


Virtual:  $25 for GJCL Delegates
Saturday Only:  $65 for GJCL Delegates, $40 for chaperones, and no charge for GJCL Sponsors
Saturday + Overnight (cabin at full capacity):  $100 for GJCL Delegates, $75 for chaperones, and no charge for GJCL Sponsors
Saturday + Overnight (2 per room):  $130 for GJCL Delegates, $75 for chaperones, and no charge for GJCL Sponsors*

*If this option is popular, we might need to consider ways of limiting the cabins because of space considerations.

Important Information to consider:

1)  GJCL will have a vaccine or negative test mandate for attendance.  This includes GJCL delegates, GSCL delegates, chaperones, sponsors, and guests.  The school, however, will NOT have to gather this information!  We will use an on-line service to collect this data.  More information in the FAX.

2)  Masks will be required in all buildings, including the auditorium and meeting rooms.

3)  A chapter MUST be a GJCL member in order to attend, and you will have an opportunity to pay these dues when you register for convention.

4)  Schools may register students at all levels.  For example, your school may have some virtual delegates, some Saturday only delegates, and some delegates who spend the night.

5)  The appropriate number of chaperones will be required.  The ratios will be in the FAX.

6)  Because of the shortened schedule, not ALL usual Convention Events can be offered.

7)  If COVID conditions deteriorate, GJCL reserves the right to cancel the event.

2. Alae Mercurii Winter Submissions

Winter Alae submissions are due February 11th! 

As a reminder, the Alae Submission Item may be a photo and/or article about one of your chapter’s activities during the year for 10 spirit points. 

All submissions to the Alae Mercurii will automatically be entered into the seasonal Alae Contest. All submissions detailing winter events will be featured in the upcoming winter issue, in which winners will also be announced”. For questions, please email

3. Club of the Month

The January Club of the Month submissions are due February 15th at midnight - get those submissions in! You can find the submission links here.

Add these to your calendar:

  • Alae Mercurii Winter Submissions Due: February 11th, 2021
  • GJCL COTM Due: February 15, 2021
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