
Sunday Roster

Hi Ehills,

Here is the google doc roster for the new season. There are plenty of ways to get involved, starting this Sunday! 

We look forward to exploring the Waymarks, celebrating Harvest, and travelling together through Lent and Easter.

We're blessed to be able to share in these services together, encouraging each other. Please have a look through the roster and pop your name down where you can. We really appreciate everyone's contributions to our community gathering.

Please get in touch with Toli on 0438 087 206 if you have any questions.



Eastern Hills Community Church acknowledges that we meet and work on land for which people of the Kulin Nations are the traditional owners and custodians.

We remember and pay our respects to our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Elders from the past, present and future.

We give thanks for the rich heritage and culture of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people through whom God sustained the life, spirit and promise of this land and waters which we celebrate today. 

We embrace and are blessed by the wisdom and leadership of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Elders.

We look forward to justice and reconciliation for this land and its peoples.

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Eastern Hills Community Church · Yarrunga Community Centre · Croydon Hills, VIC 3136 · Australia