Hey <<First Name>>
  1. SUBJECT: 7 Deadly CEO Sins: Pride
 "Pride comes before a fall.”
Who hasn’t heard that?
And who doesn’t love to give their ego a little jolt?
Me. (Guilty as charged ;)
It can look as if we end up boasting and grandstanding because we’re so pleased with ourselves, but the truth is far from it.
Grandiosity is only ever a response to a feeling of invisibility.

We badly need to thrust forward our own importance because behind the scenes our very right to exist seems so much in question.
We see it as almost inevitable that others will think ill of us unless we urgently and dramatically assert our greatness.
That’s why, of all people, the proud don’t need to be told they’re terrible.
This is precisely what they secretly think they are already.
They need encouragement to feel a more genuine pride in their own merits.
And then to be spared the manic impulse constantly to call them to the attention of others.
Having engineered over 200 turnarounds for companies in the UK, I’ve had a front-row seat to the catastrophic effects of ego and false pride on careers in the business.
Pride thrives on fear and uncertainty so creates blind spots in our thinking… and as you can imagine, they’re the most difficult things to spot! Trust me, I’ve written two noobs about it! You can check them out here.
Do you have the nagging doubt that somehow your ideas and attitudes to the business are out of sync with reality?
We can have a discrete conversation about that.
Click here to schedule a meeting or give me a call on +44 7720 597 869.
Let’s turbocharge your business in ’22.
PS. In total 203 profit warnings or 12.9% were issued of listed UK companies in 2021. Our focus is UK and US listed companies because they are the bedrock of the Global economy and form the platform on which the SME’s rely. Listed companies are also where the largest returns on investment are, and where the largest opportunities lie.
Feel free to reach out directly:

Or you are welcome to just call me now +44 (0) 7720 597869


Below are four books we have written for your benefit. They explain why businesses can't stop what they are doing and how they can get back in control.
A Jazz band is a metaphor we use to describe what good looks like
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