CCAO offers opioid settlement MOU toolkit
Monday, February 7th
12:00pm – 1:00pm
CCAO along with the Ohio Municipal League, the Ohio Mayors Alliance, and the Ohio Township Association recently made available a Toolkit to assist local government officials in understanding and establishing regional governance structures under the OneOhio Memorandum of Understanding.
As part of the OneOhio opioid settlement, local officials are tasked to help set up regional structures across the state as part of the statewide opioid settlement foundation. CCAO members can attend Monday’s webinar to learn more about the key provisions of the toolkit designed to help officials make decisions within each region during this initial organizational period. These decisions include determining a regional governance structure and selecting a regional appointment to the statewide foundation board.
The webinar with conclude with a question-and-answer period.
Click here to register for the February 7th webinar.