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A bulldozer at a lithium pilot plant in Bolivia. (AP)
Just don’t call it white gold. Rising demand for lithium could be a boon for Latin America, home to most of the world’s proven reserves. Of course, reaping lithium’s benefits means getting it out of the ground and into the supply chain, “a tricky, tricky thing,” says Emily Hersh. The Luna Lithium CEO covers the likelihood of a regional lithium OPEC and how the hot commodity helps leaders win headlines to the detriment of production. Listen to the Latin America in Focus episode.

A for effort. So far, COVAX has shipped 91 million doses to Latin America, meaning 1 in 11 shots administered there came via the global initiative. Still, supply woes and funding issues have led to delays in meeting delivery targets. Learn how COVAX works and see where it’s sent doses in the region

Check overall vaccine progress in the region.

What’s coming up for Latin America?


—Peru’s Interior Minister Avelino Guillén, who resigned from President Pedro Castillo’s cabinet amid a dramatic cabinet reshuffling that was the president’s third in just six months


In a week of busy diplomatic news for President Jair Bolsonaro, the Brazilian leader said that, Ukraine crisis or not, he plans to meet with Vladimir Putin in Moscow in late February. Then, in a meeting of what some would consider opposites, he hosted Castillo to ink a border accord and try on his Peruvian counterpart’s famed hat. (The Guardian, El Comercio)


Year-on-year rise in remittances to Mexico in 2021, bringing the total amount of cash migrants sent home to an all-time high of $51.6 billion. As the Associated Press reports, that total surpassed nearly all other sources of national income, including tourism and oil exports.

ICYMI from Americas Quarterly: Máximo Kirchner's big gamble. AQ’s podcast covers Covid's impact on Latin American schools. Three risks to investors in Mexico’s energy reform. Peru’s latest crisis under Castillo. The long OECD road ahead for Argentina, Brazil, and Peru. Uruguay’s controversial turn toward law and order.
Why did the bananas cross the road? via Mark Tomasovic
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