"And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved."

Principal Visit
Wendy Morris
February 17-20

We are prayerfully excited about our on-campus visit with Principal Wendy Morris on Thursday, February 17 through Sunday, February 20.
Wendy is currently serving as Principal of Immanuel Lutheran School, St Louis, Missouri. She received her first call to teach at Christ Lutheran School in East Point, GA. Wendy has served as a principal for 21 years in two schools; Our Savior Lutheran in Nashville, TN, and her current position at Immanuel, St Louis. She is writing her dissertation to complete her Doctorate of Education. Wendy is “A futuristic thinker that has the ability to envision the possibilities of what can be built on the strengths of a Lutheran school to turn aspirations into reality.”  (Quoted from her resume)
Wendy is married to Mike, a retail manager with Office Depot/Office Max. Their children are Kylie, oldest, lives in Atlanta, Kyra, who lives in Menomonee Falls, WI, and their youngest, Ryan, is a senior online through Western Governors University living at home. They have extended family in Alabama, Georgia, Michigan, New Jersey, Vermont, and Wisconsin.
Our on-campus visit with Wendy will include meeting staff and students on Friday, observing classrooms and teachers, meeting with the call committee, the School Ministry Board, and worshiping with us on Sunday. She will enjoy a few moments staying with her daughter, Kylie.
If you happen to be on campus on Friday or in worship on Sunday, please extend a warm welcome to Wendy. As always, keep Wendy and our school and church ministry in your prayers. However, let me encourage you not to pray, “Lord, bring Wendy to Faith Lutheran as our next principal” (although that would be my selfish prayer). Instead, pray, “Lord Jesus, You are the Lord of Your Church. You know our ministry needs; You know Wendy’s gifts, strengths, and family needs. As You know best, reveal Your plans to all our hearts, that Your will may be done, Your Kingdom extended, and all our lives blessed, in Your saving name, we pray. Amen.
Pastor Carl
Social Ministry

We are planning on supplying bags for the Brumby Food Distribution site the week of Winter Break which is the end of February. Our goal is 135 bags which will include a hotdog dinner. We need jelly,  pasta sauce and cereal now to be able to complete these bags. The jelly prices have really jumped up recently. The below were the prices as of Sunday in some of our local grocery stores for grape jelly.

The below are advertised grocery prices for Publix, Kroger, and Walmart. The sales ad runs February 9th - 15th.

Duncan Hines Brownie Mix 16.7 to 18.3 oz box - BOGO
General Mills Cereal  - Check signage which flavors and sizes - BOGO
Publix Chunk White Chicken Breast 10 oz can - $1.99
Jiffy Cornbread - not listed in ad but has been running 55¢ a box
Must have Kroger Card - specials vary using digital coupons which you add to your card, or buying 5 or more specials, (this can be a combination of buy 5 or more items as marked in the store) etc. Please see flyer at store.
Ragu Pasta Sauce, 23.9 to 24 oz (excludes Alfredo)  - 3 for $5.00
General Mills Cereal, 8.9 - 12 oz - $1.99 must buy 5 or more 
Kroger Grape Jelly, 18 oz jar - $1.39

Grape Jelly - 30 oz plastic bottle - $1.59
Pasta Sauce 24 oz. - 87¢


White rice - 1 lb bag - 72¢
Small 4 roll pack of Toilet Paper - 60¢ a pack 
Hunts Pasta Sauce - under a dollar a can

Grape Jelly - 94¢

Sweets/Treats and canned fruit is always appreciated if you run into any deals on these items.

Jelly is always appreciated to go with the peanut butter.

Have a great day and thanks for your support!
Hope's Happenings

Update on recent activities in Jan, 2022:
  1. Pope High School special needs class.
  2. Sope Creek Elementary 2nd grade class.  We have been invited back on February 18th.
  3. Jan 29th/30th: Yellow Ribbon Air National Guard pre-/post-deployment event in downtown Atlanta.  Organizers remembered me from prior events in Birmingham and Montgomery! My other dog pals Seth, Lizzie, and Peace attended as well and we were assured of an invitation to the next event.
Upcoming new activities:
  1. 2/8: McEachern Kids Bible Study between ages 5 years to 9 years 
  2. 2/12 to 2/13: Vestavia Hills Church in Birmingham, AL to serve as a catalyst in getting their congregation to attend church again since Covid.
  3. Visiting nursing homes and assisted living facilities is being evaluated on a week-to-week basis due to Covid status and limitations.
  4. Mondays: Chalker Elementary School to participate in the kids’ reading program.
  5. Thursdays: Mental Health Court in Marietta - currently virtual visits.
  6. Continuing to keep in shape and undergo training with my awesome Handlers.
Please continue to submit your requests for a Zoom visit via the following methods:
  1. Complete the ‘Hope Comfort Dog Request’ form via this link:  When a request is submitted, the information is sent directly to my organizer’s phone.
  2. Call the church office at (770) 973-8877 to set up a visit.  Janice Schaag and Susie Glass are excellent sources for getting this information to my group.
Feb 13 - Zeph Matz (E4)
Feb 14 - Linda Mihaly
Feb 14 - Greg Czerwonka
Feb 14 - Amanda Lambert
Feb 14 - Jeremiah Bass
Feb 17 - Mark Patterson
Feb 18 - Nathaniel Musgrove
Feb 19 - Jason Schaag
No one celebrating this week
(just about the whole month!)
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