changing and being changed by the world

Everyday Zen Bay Area

Spring 2022 Sesshin

In-person with limited support for joining on Zoom

Monday, March 28 – Sunday, April 3, 2022

Applications are now open

We're pleased to announce that applications for our upcoming in-person sesshin at the Santa Sabina Center are now open. 
Please note that Covid 19 protocols have changed and the application process has been modified. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Dear Everyday Zen Sangha Member,

This spring, we will again have the chance to sit together in person for six days, waking with the bell and following the call of the han. It will be our first in-person sesshin in over two years!

This sesshin marks a shift in the Everyday Zen Bay Area annual schedule: Going forward, our annual Practice Period and sesshin will be held in the winter-spring instead of in the fall, in the interests of avoiding disruptions during high fire season here in the Bay Area. Watch for more information later in the year.

This first annual Spring Sesshin will be held once again at the Santa Sabina Center in San Rafael. It will start at 5:00 pm Monday, March 28th, and end at noon Sunday, April 3, 2022. Zoketsu Norman Fischer will lead the Sesshin. (Since this sesshin is not part of a practice period, there will not be a shuso.) We are also considering ways that the sesshin can be shared informally on Zoom for those who cannot attend in person.


At the Santa Sabina Center, to ensure optimal health practices and for the safety of all participants, we will observe the protocols developed by our hosts and informed by current research. All attendees must be fully vaccinated and boosted and test negative for Covid twice: on the day before and the day of the start of the sesshin. At-home rapid antigen testing is currently the most efficient way to accomplish this. Test kits can be ordered now, free of charge with this link:  Sesshin participants must also wear an  N95, KN95, or KF94 mask and practice social distancing in all shared spaces, at all times.


Applications for in-person participation in the sesshin are now open and will continue until March 20th or all spaces have been filled, whichever comes first. Information on Zoom participation will be available in March.

A deposit of $100 and completed application form will hold your place. With our apologies, they do not guarantee your participation. Because of limited space and Covid requirements, our registrars need time to process applications as they come in and balance the numbers.

Please see below for details on the application process. If you have questions about sesshin or the application process that are not answered in this email or on the application, please email the registrars at

We look forward to sharing this precious time for practice with you.

— Norman and the Spring Sesshin Team

Fees & Accommodations

Fees for the sesshin cover the costs of room and board at Santa Sabina and are therefore not tax-deductible. In addition, we encourage you to make a donation to Everyday Zen to support this offering (see below).

Santa Sabina Center has 38 rooms; most can be either single or double occupancy. Due to COVID considerations, our hosts encourage single occupancy; you will be able to request a double room only if you have made arrangements with someone else to share a room and both of you provide this information on your applications. There are no dormitory accommodations.

Single rooms: $1,140  (a limited number will be available)
Double rooms: $990 (arrangements with a partner required)
Dining Commuter: $810 (includes meals)

Unfortunately, due to safety considerations, our traditional oryoki meal forms cannot be supported by the center at this time.

Social distancing requirements also affect seating arrangements in the zendo and dining room and thus, the total number of participants we can accommodate. We anticipate a maximum of 45–50 participants and are working with Santa Sabina to finalize seating plans.

If you have special dietary or other needs, please let the registrar know. There will be a space for this on the application form.

Application Process

To apply, please pay a $100 deposit to hold your place, then complete the application form.

Click the link below to pay the deposit. You will receive a receipt by email that contains a link to the application. This receipt comes from "" Follow instructions on the application to complete and submit the form.

Participation will be on first come, first served basis, while balancing the various lodging requests. We'll keep a close eye on the numbers as applications arrive and will attempt to close the application form when the limit has been reached. But please be patient and flexible as the situation is complex and fluid.

Note: The deposit of $100.00 is non-refundable except in the event that spaces had already been filled when your application came in or in the unlikely event that the sesshin is canceled because of a new wave of Covid or another emergency. 

Please pay only the deposit at this time.

Begin Application Process


In addition to the fee for room and board, in-person and Zoom participants are encouraged to make a separate donation for Norman, his teachings, and the administrative costs involved in organizing and offering this sesshin. The link for dana will be provided in future communications on sesshin.

Dana for practice discussion with senior teachers during sesshin can be arranged directly with senior teachers.

Santa Sabina Center

For information about Santa Sabina, please visit the Santa Sabina Center website. Please do not contact the center for information on this sesshin.

Thank you!

© 2022 Everyday Zen Foundation


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