January 26, 2022

Loneliness is the epidemic made worse by the pandemic

Doug Bing, Washington Conference president

Why would a health insurance company be worried about loneliness?

Fighting Loneliness
Say Hi to Doug Bing at WWU Friendship Tournament on January 29!
God always works with His faithful stewards to provide blessings above and beyond at just the right time! We praise God for the largest December tithe seen in the history of Washington Conference.

Thank you for your faithfulness in giving to support the Adventist Church's mission and ministry!
Ways to Keep on Giving
HOPE House of Tacoma is open and the first two residents are already volunteering at Tacoma Adventist Community Services. More residents are expected to move in soon to our new transitional house.
Discover HOPE House's Mission
This is the launch of a much prayed for Chinese Adventist church plant in the Greater Seattle area! Thank you for your prayers & support!
Directions to Kirkland Church

Join the Conference Team!

We have two openings for administrative assistants for Outreach Ministries and for Youth Ministries. Let's talk about how you can be part of the mission and ministry of Washington Conference!
Apply Now!
Auburn ABC will be making deliveries to Bellevue, Monroe, Forest Park, Arlington, Mount Vernon and Bellingham on Sunday, January 30. Please place your order by Thursday before the delivery date.
Browse Online Catalog

Looking Ahead

The Pathfinder Teen Retreat scheduled for Feb. 11-13 is postponed
Ways to Give
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ACTS Editor: Heidi Baumgartner