Whether it is windy, raining or just a bit frosty, as we say ‘goodbye’ to January, we can now look forward to warm sunny days and wearing our lighter-weight summer clothes. But the big question is - will they fit?
Now is the perfect time to shed a few lbs ahead of Spring-time, and with the days becoming longer we can step out for our morning walk a little earlier which is a great way to set us up for the day ahead – mentally and physically.
It was in March last year that Mary and I were invited to launch our first Wellness Challenge with Leicestershire Police. The Challenge was based on The 28-Day Immunity Plan, a book that Mary and I wrote together in 2020. After the volunteer team had followed the Plan for four weeks, the results were remarkable. In fact, it was so successful that they launched Challenge Team 2 last September and just two weeks ago we launched Team 3 on their road to increased wellbeing.
Last Monday, two weeks into the Challenge, Mary and I had a catchup with Team 3 to see how they were all doing and the team were buzzing. When Laura told us that she had lost 12.5lbs in two weeks we asked her how she’d done it? “By sticking to the eating plan exactly - not cheating once - and doing lots of exercise” was her response. And that says it all. There is no magic formula to weight loss – we just have to eat healthily but a bit less, and we need to exercise more! If you do, you are bound to see success.
In creating The 28-Day Immunity Plan, Mary and I invested our years of experience into making this new eating and exercise plan wholly achievable. We know that it is clinically proven that if we lose a significant amount of weight quickly (say in 28 days) we are much more motivated to carry on. And that is exactly what we have found with these Police Challenges. So far, we have found that when the teams get to the end of their 28 days, they ask if they can carry on, not just because they have lost weight but because they feel so good – sleeping better, enjoying more energy and generally feeling happier.
You can learn more about The 28-Day Immunity Plan in the Boosting Immunity section of our website which also includes Mary demonstrating the workouts from the book in real-time. Alternatively, you may like to buy the book. You can find the paperback in our shop or if you prefer an ebook you can find it on Amazon. You may also find some useful guidance and information on our Nutrition & Weight-loss page.