
KITLV News Update - January 2022

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News Update KITLV / Royal Netherlands Institute of
Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies

In the spotlight

Meet the people working at KITLV (4): Alison Fischer
Meet our PhD candidate Alison Fischer. Her project looks at post-colonial legacies in the Netherlands, especially in Dutch post-colonial communities. Alison has a background in law and her question is: how does law shape colonial hierarchies and specifally racial hierarchies in the Netherlands as a post-colonial community? Want to know more?
Watch the video here.
Diana Suhardiman new KITLV director
KITLV is pleased to announce that the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences/KNAW has appointed Dr Diana Suhardiman as the new director of the KITLV as of 1 January 2022. Dr Suhardiman succeeds Professor Gert Oostindie who retired in December 2021. More.

Research / Onderzoek

New impulse cooperation KITLV and ISSH-BRIN
On Wednesday 26 January KITLV and the Organization for Social Science and Humanities of the Indonesian National Agency of Research and Innovation (ISSH-BRIN) gave a new impulse to their longstanding cooperation by signing a renewed Memorandum of Understanding.
New project on village governance in Indonesia
Rural Indonesians living in the country’s 70.000 villages mainly interact with their government through village institutions. A team of 23 researchers will conduct fieldwork in 18 villages in 9 provinces to study how villages are administrated in contemporary Indonesia.
Presentation results research ‘Independence, Decolonization, Violence and War in Indonesia, 1945-1950’
On 17 February 2022, the results of the research programme Independence, Decolonization, Violence and War in Indonesia, 1945-1950 will be presented. Because of the current COVID-measures in the Netherlands, the presentation will be an online-only event. More.

Publications / Publicaties

New exhibition & catalogue Images of the Indonesian War of Independence 1945-1949
On 18 January, the new digital exhibition Images of the Indonesian War of Independence 1945-1949 will be launched. The exhibition is based on the collections of Leiden University Libraries and KITLV and available in English, Indonesian and Dutch. A trilingual catalogue accompanies this digital exhibition of some fifty unique items. More.

In the media / In de media

Interview met Gert Oostindie in Argus
John Jansen van Galen interviewt Gert Oostindie voor opiniekrant Argus. Oostindie, die eind december 2021 met pensioen ging, vertelt over zijn loopbaan, de maatschappelijke discussie over het koloniale en slavernijverleden van Nederland en het onderzoek naar de dekolonisatie van Indonesië. Meer.
Henk Schulte Nordholt in Trouw over commotie tentoonstelling ‘Revolusi! Indonesië onafhankelijk'
Volgende maand opent deze tentoonstelling in het Rijksmuseum. Vooraf ontstond commotie toen het Rijksmuseum aankondigde de term ‘bersiap’ daarbij te vermijden. Volgens Schulte Nordholt berust de commotie op een misverstand over de slachtoffers van de Indonesische revolutie. Meer.
Gert Oostindie in Het Parool: ‘We zullen over het kolonialisme blijven praten’
In een interview in Het Parool vertelt Oostindie over zijn vakgebied: over hoe het koloniale verleden van Nederland, en met name het slavernijverleden, eerst een onderwerp waar vrijwel niemand interesse in had, nu volop in de belangstelling staat.

Call / Oproep

EuroSEAS Call for Papers 2022
As an international and multi-disciplinary scholarly organisation, The European Association for Southeast Asian Studies (EuroSEAS) invites scholars and PhD students from all academic disciplines with an interest in Southeast Asia to present a paper in one of the selected panels at the 12th EuroSEAS conference in Paris-Aubervilliers from 28 June-1 July 2022. Deadline: 15 April 2022. More.
EuroSEAS Book Prize 2022
The European Association for Southeast Asian Studies (EuroSEAS) will award two book prizes at the 12th EuroSEAS Conference in Paris-Aubervilliers, 28 June-1 July 2022: 1. the EuroSEAS Humanities Book Prize and 2. the EuroSEAS Social Science Book Prize. Deadline submissions: 15 April 2022.
Read more.

Vacancy / Vacature

Two positions project ‘Island(er)s at the Helm’

Postdoc candidate Water Management | Deadline: 28 February 2022.

Postdoc candidate Anthropology | Deadline: 28 February 2022. More.

Course / Cursus

Interuniversitary course Introduction to Caribbean Studies
KITLV organizes the 36th interuniversitary course Introduction to Caribbean Studies in the second semester of the academic year 2021-2022. Participation is open to all students studying at a Dutch university and anyone else interested in the Caribbean. The course will be held in English. Registration is open until 14 February 2022.

Upcoming events / Komende activiteiten

Funds / Fondsen

The criteria for the funds of the Vereniging KITLV are also  available in English.

Activiteitenfonds voor leden van de Vereniging die activiteiten willen organiseren | Deadline: 1 maart 2022

Collectie-/Publicatiefonds t.b.v. initiatieven van leden die ten goede komen van de KITLV collecties | Deadline: 1 maart 2022

Dr. Silvia de Groot Fonds voor jonge Caribische onderzoekers | Deadline: 16 december 2022.

Philippus Corts Fonds voor studenten en onderzoekers, werkzaam in Nederland of voor een gezamenlijk Nederlands en Indonesisch team, die in collecties in Nederland en/of Indonesië wetenschappelijk onderzoek verrichten. 

Adatrechts Fonds ondersteunt onderzoekers bij hun onderzoek en publicaties op het gebied van Adatrecht.
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