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The Kinetic
A Sports & Wellness Newsletter 
February 2022 Edition

Valentine's Date night: with a healthy twist

Spending quality time with loved ones is an important part of our mental wellbeing. Try one of our healthy date night ideas this Valentine's Day.
  • Do a workout together. Working out with others has been shown to help you stick to your workout routine, decrease mortality risk and mental health. (1)

  • Couples massage. Massages help us relax which helps our body heal plus we are a bit more enjoyable which is helpful to any relationship! 

  • Cook a healthy meal together.  Pick a fun new recipe you’ve wanted to try and cook it together. 

  • Go see a funny movie. Whether it’s on the couch watching Netflix or going to $5 movies on Tuesdays, watching something that makes you laugh actually makes chemical changes in your body that can potentially reduce stress and increase pain tolerance.
The Heart is muscle let us help keep yours strong!
February is American Heart Month where American heart association and the CDC want everyone to focus on their heart health. The Mercy Sports Medicine team wants to work with you to help your overall health. Being active and a healthy diet are keys to prevention of heart disease. This edition of The Kinetic has great recipes, activities, and yoga poses from our team to help you keep your heart strong. 

During Heart Month we are kicking off our CPR classes with our Sports Medicine team. Get your CPR training and be prepared in case of an emergency or to satisfy work requirements we are here to instruct, certify and answer questions!
CPR certification sign up
Heart Healthy Recipes
When cooking healthy, do you keep returning to your same old recipes? During the week you want the simple recipes, so it's easier to go back to your basics. Carter Janes, leader of Healthy Habits, has shared some of her heart healthy recipes! Plus, each recipe is 30 minutes or faster! The link below will take you to recipes for veggie quinoa, foil packet salmon and asparagus, and vegetarian quinoa chili!
View the recipes
We love to help people improve their balance! The class focuses on specific exercises for improving balance, it’s great for people who have experienced a loss of balance and want to gain back that control.
Our Better Balance program will give you confidence with every step!  Join us!
11am Tuesdays and Thursdays 

5 Yoga Poses for Heart Health 


Yoga is beneficial for many reasons when it comes to overall health. Although it is typically known for increased flexibility and balance it also can also improve cardiovascular health by increasing blood flow and circulation resulting in lowering blood pressure, blood glucose levels, cholesterol and heart rate- which then lowers the risk of heart disease, strokes and hypertension. Try these yoga poses to target heart health! 

  1. Bridge Pose: Lay down on your back, put the soles of your feet on the floor about hip width distance, press into the bottoms of the feet while you lift the hips towards the ceiling, continue to press the back of your head and shoulders into the ground beneath you and allow your arms to lay by your side. This pose can be therapeutic for someone with high blood pressure. Pause here for 3-5 full breaths.

  2. Child's Pose: Begin by kneeling on the floor in a table top pose (all fours) bring your big toes to touch and bring your knees a bit wider than hip width distance, then bring your sits bones to rest on your heels as you draw your chest towards the floor and then relax your forehead and arms on your yoga mat. This pose is great for stretching the hips, low back as well as relaxing the mind and reducing stress. Pause here for 5-10 full breaths. 

  3. Legs Up The Wall: Lie on your back and bring both legs up the wall so your heels can relax on the wall, if you aren’t near a wall just lie on your back and bring your feet towards the ceiling allowing the legs to float in the air. This pose is recirculating blood back to the heart allowing your body to meet a deep relaxation. This pose is great to do before bed. Pause here for 5-10 full breaths. 

  4. Supine Spinal Twist: Start by laying on your back and hug your right knee in towards the chest, allow the left leg to stay long and relaxed to the floor, take a big breath in and as your breath out draw your right knee across your chest coming into a twist. This pose is good for releasing tension in the spine, allowing the nervous system to settle.  Pause here for 5-10 breaths and then repeat on the second side.

  5. Easy Seat: Find a comfortable seat, you can sit on a folded blanket, pillow or somewhere on the floor with the back resting on the wall. You’ll lengthen through the spine and then draw the shoulers away from the ears. You can close your eyes down or pick something to stare at. Bring the hands on your thighs and turn your palms up to face the ceiling, from here begin to take full deep breaths, focusing fully on the breath. This pose is great for reducing stress and tapping into a deep relaxation. Stay here for 3-5 minutes. 

Get a Consultation Now and be on the road to better Wellness!
1st download the app to easily search, book, and pay. 
2nd Bookmark Mercy Sports Medicine to your homepage.
3rd Join us for a class or a personalized training session! 
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We have a variety of one on one appointments that will help you get back on track to living your healthiest. Appointments include:

Body Composition – is a great tool to measure your successes and start a conversation about healthy living.

Injury Risk Assessment – Are you starting a new exercise or sports program? Get a risk assessment first to know before you go.

Personal Training – Is best when you need to get back on track and be held accountable.
Check out all of these appointments and more!
Schedule Appointment

How We Support You

Mercy Sports Medicine Wellness is here to help support our community by providing services that will boost your personal goals. Our intention is to be an outlet for you to strive to be your best and succeed in your goals. If fitness or wellness is among your new goals, then let us be your accountability partner and support you.
See Offerings
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