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A Note from Reggie Jones, Associate Dean of Health and Wellness

Black History Month offers an intentional disruption to the narrative spun by systemic racism and systems of oppression that perpetuate the art of exclusion and erasure. February brings the opportunity to celebrate Black History Month and to examine, learn, and cultivate curiosity to reclaim unacknowledged narratives in American history. 

The start of Black History here on campus has been unfortunately marked by racial violence, a painful reminder of how present and entrenched racism remains. Despite the detestable harm caused by ongoing racist acts, I believe, joy remains the pulse of Black people’s survival, resiliency, perseverance, health, and wellbeing. The heritage of Black people has allowed us not simply to survive, but perhaps most importantly, to affirm our humanity. And in this affirmation of our humanity and value, we tap into Black joy, a joy that comes with the recognition that we continue to hold onto our humanity in the face of adversity and impossible odds.

It is my hope that as we continue to fight against racial injustice, inequity, and violence in our community, we will also find ways to incorporate joy as one of our resistance strategies. 



New Health and Wellness Groups (click the link to see fliers for new groups this semester):
The Health and Wellness Center is starting a podcast! Listen to the first episode, "Back to Campus! with Beth, Jonathan, and Marion" now on Spotify.
Stay tuned for new episodes every other week covering health and wellness topics with guests from the Bryn Mawr College community!
In This Issue:
Staff Bios:

Sydney Baker, LCSW
Full-Time Staff Counselor

I'm a Baltimore gal at heart and a recent PA transplant, so much of my free time is spent cultivating my new home and exploring all the Philly eats and coffee shops! I live with my partner, our three pets; two cats (Sylvie & Jupiter) and one dog (Neville), and many, MANY house plants. I enjoy reading, watching the latest mystery docuseries, and currently learning ceramics! I have a passion for emotional literacy and the power of learning to regulate our Nervous System to support our experiences. I am so thrilled to be a part of the BMC community and the HWC team! 
Celebrate Black voices, written, spoken, and in song! Check out poetry, articles, and other media offered by the Poetry Foundation. Or explore the playlist below to connect with artists curated by the National Museum of African American Music. 
Part of recognizing Black History means acknowledging pain, struggle, and adversity. Some of us may be feeling the frustration of honoring our beauty, celebrating our pride while voicing our anger, and caring for our wounds and wounded. As we contend with the ongoing reality of anti-Black racism, it may be helpful to turn to literature and to the wisdom of our bodies. This tool for stabilizing in times of distress comes from Resmaa Menakem's My Grandmother's Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies. It can be practiced individually and collectively. Check out Resma's website for more information about Somatic Abolitionism.
  • Find a quiet, private comfortable place. Sit down. Put one hand on your knee or in your lap. Place the other on your belly.
  • Now hum. Not from your throat or chest, but from the bottom of your belly.
  • Hum strong and steady. Push the air out of your belly firmly, not gently. 
  • Stop to breathe in, but return to the hum with each new breath.
  • Experience the hum in your belly. Then sense it in the rest of your body. 
  • Continue humming for two minutes.

When you're done, reach your arms upward. Then, slowly and gently, feel your body with your hands starting from the top of your head. Move slowly down your neck and along your chest, then below your waist, then past your knees, until your arms are fully extended downward. What do you notice? (Menakem, p. 35)

Another resource: For those exploring Healing Justice as a restorative response to violence, consider investigating Black Lives Matter's Healing in Action toolkit for information on how to practice self-care while pursuing our collective liberation. And, for general support, consider these BIPOC mental health resources courtesy of 

“It’s a new year; I’m going to become a whole new me!” How often have we heard or expressed similar sentiments on January 1st or soon after? Resolutions involving dramatic personal change can be appealing and motivating. But it’s important when contemplating making changes to our ways of living and being to proceed with self-compassion as well as intention. 

This article from Very Well Mind introduces the six stages of behavior change. It’s important to remember that relapse is a part of every behavior-change process. Every "slip" is a chance not only to learn something new about ourselves and our needs but an opportunity to practice some self-compassion. Change looks different for everyone and It doesn't happen in a vacuum. Change is always amplified by a supportive and nurturing environment. 

Click here to get a closer look at the Transtheoretical Model of Change.

Intentions: An Alternative to Resolutions

Every journey to a new way of being includes movement towards and away from our goals. Sometimes setting "resolutions" for ourselves can be an invitation to unfair expectations, self-condemnation, and blame. One alternative is to replace resolution-making with setting an intention.

A resolution might sound like “I will drink more water” or “I will run a mile every day”, while an intention might be “I’m focusing on my health”. Focusing on one's health might look like going on runs and drinking more water, but it might also mean sleeping more, caring for mental health, etc. Resolutions are specific and goal-oriented while intentions are broader and centered in aligning life with our values. Other intentions might include getting in touch with creativity or spirituality. These intentions could be incorporated into many aspects of life. If resolutions feel like a punishment or another tedious aspect of your day-to-day life, setting intentions may be a shift that allows for more flexibility and enjoyment.

For more information on intention-setting, check out this article from Psychology Today.
As many of us return to campus life, we may be reflecting on the impact of social gatherings. Perhaps we feel concerned about gathering at all due to public health needs. Perhaps we are feeling worried about the implications of “partying too hard” either for ourselves or our community. In this newsletter, we offer some ideas and resources for those interested in (re)examining and possibly making changes to their social lifestyles. First, here are a few concrete suggestions for party safety courtesy of Washington and Lee and the University of Oregon
  • Go out in a group and have a plan for how you will get home safely 
  • Keep an eye on your friends 
  • If you leave the party early, let a friend know where you are going and with whom 
  • Decide how many drinks you will have before you start drinking and stick to it 
  • Eat before and while consuming alcohol 
  • Pour your own drinks, and leave your drink with a trusted friend or take it with you if you need to go to the restroom 
  • Drink one or less drinks per hour 
  • Avoid drinks with unknown contents 
  • Don’t mix drugs and alcohol 
  • Alternate between alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages 
  • Never drink and drive 
  • Have a designated driver and never ride with someone who has been drinking or using drugs 
  • Have a plan for what steps you will take in an emergency

Harm reduction: Another Approach to Thinking About Safety

Harm reduction, an approach that is often associated with substance use, can be a helpful way to think about any behavior that involves risk. This could mean drinking and drug use, but also driving a car, going mountain-climbing, or meeting up with friends during a pandemic. Harm reduction is about empowerment and community support. It involves reducing the shame and stigma associated with asking for help. It also acknowledges that behavior does not shift like the flicking of a light switch. Not everyone is ready or able to stop harmful behavior for good, so reducing the associated risk can always be celebrated as a step towards improving health. We reduce harm as a community by practicing kindness, self-compassion, nonjudgmental support, and offering an array of options for wellness. Here are some examples of harm-reducing behavior:  

  • Offering someone a ride home if they have been drinking.  
  • Wearing sunblock or sunscreen on a sunny day.  
  • Telling someone who is struggling that you love and care about them. 
  • Washing hands and wearing a mask to help prevent the spread of disease.
  • Sharing a resource that has helped you with someone else.
  • Wearing a helmet while riding a bicycle and wearing a seatbelt in the car.
  • Being kind to yourself when you are struggling by reaching out for help. 

For more information about the principles of harm deduction, check out the Harm Reduction Coalition website. Or check out this brief video

Dear Athena, 

I feel so hopeless when I see news about the state of climate change and the lack of progress being made to address it. My home state has been affected by extreme weather events, and I feel really concerned about my community. I’m having a lot of anxiety thinking about how the future will look, and my negative feelings are carrying over into other parts of my life. Is there anything I can do to feel better?  


Deeply Discouraged  

Dear Deeply Discouraged,

It is clear you care deeply about these issues and feel deeply for your community. It is natural to feel powerless in the face of such a big problem! Sometimes feelings such as powerlessness, hopelessness, confusion, and paralysis can stand in the way of our taking actions that reflect our values. Obviously no one person has the power to "fix" the environment, but it can sometimes be comforting to move beyond those unhelpful thoughts ("I'm not doing enough" or "the future is bleak") and take manageable, meaningful actions towards climate justice. If you are interested in local environmental activism, the EPA has a regional climate justice website that has information about how to get involved. Also, Bryn Mawr's Career and Civic Engagement Office can connect students to local opportunities including the Bryn Mawr Community Garden

Remember to be gentle with yourself and do what feels manageable for your life right now. Consider inviting others to support and join you in activism. Change doesn't happen in a vacuum, and those who create change do not work alone!

In solidarity,

Perspective I

Dear Deeply Discouraged, 

I think your concerns are shared by many of your peers- a survey by the American Psychological Association found that two-thirds of American adults feel some “eco anxiety”, defined as “anxiety or worry about climate change and its effects”. A Psychology Today article identifies “ecotherapy”, defined as investigating your “emotional energy directed toward aspects of the natural environment” as a helpful approach. Some examples of “ecotherapy” include taking breaks from using technology, participating in outdoor activities such as gardening or hiking, and taking action through things like recycling initiatives. Though major structural change is crucial in addressing climate change, individual actions can have a ripple effect, influencing the values and actions of others. “Ecotherapy” emphasizes that both individuals and the environment are resilient.  


Perspective II 

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