A Note from Reggie Jones, Associate Dean of Health and Wellness
Black History Month offers an intentional disruption to the narrative spun by systemic racism and systems of oppression that perpetuate the art of exclusion and erasure. February brings the opportunity to celebrate Black History Month and to examine, learn, and cultivate curiosity to reclaim unacknowledged narratives in American history.
The start of Black History here on campus has been unfortunately marked by racial violence, a painful reminder of how present and entrenched racism remains. Despite the detestable harm caused by ongoing racist acts, I believe, joy remains the pulse of Black people’s survival, resiliency, perseverance, health, and wellbeing. The heritage of Black people has allowed us not simply to survive, but perhaps most importantly, to affirm our humanity. And in this affirmation of our humanity and value, we tap into Black joy, a joy that comes with the recognition that we continue to hold onto our humanity in the face of adversity and impossible odds.
It is my hope that as we continue to fight against racial injustice, inequity, and violence in our community, we will also find ways to incorporate joy as one of our resistance strategies.