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Expressway News

February 7, 2021


As we close the books on another year, we’d like to reflect on some of the accomplishments that made 2021 another successful year for Central Texas mobility. We invite you to come along with us by reviewing our 2021 Annual Report.

We move forward committed to implementing mobility projects that contribute to the economic vitality and quality of life in Central Texas. We are grateful for the partnerships and efforts of our community who helped us realize these achievements.
View the 2021 Annual Report
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Project honors community cultivators with ceremony 
The Mobility Authority recently celebrated a virtual groundbreaking of the 183 North Mobility Project at the Jan. 26 Board of Directors meeting.

In lieu of a traditional groundbreaking ceremony, this virtual “groundbuilding” was intended to embrace local community cultivators that work to improve quality of life in Central Texas. For this event, the Mobility Authority acknowledged educators at five Round Rock Independent School District schools located along the project corridor. The schools’ educators and staff were celebrated with a ceremonial tree planting and dedication.  
“The planting of trees represents a special kind of groundbreaking – one where the soil is turned to sow seeds of community, celebrate those who protect the quality of life for the region and cultivate the improvements that help us grow and move together. It is a beautiful way to mirror the goals of the 183 North Mobility Project,” said Chairman of the Mobility Authority Board of Directors, Bobby Jenkins.

The 183 North Mobility Project includes construction of two express lanes in each direction along a 9-mile stretch of US 183 in North Austin from its intersection with MoPac to SH 45. Currently ranked among the most congested highway in the state of Texas (Texas A&M Transportation Institute, 2021), the project will improve mobility, reduce congestion, and enable more reliable travel times for commuters, transit, and emergency responders.

In addition to express lanes, the project includes a fourth general-purpose lane in areas where only three currently exist, and a direct connector to the existing MoPac Express Lane, as well as several non-tolled elements including new shared use path connections, sidewalks, and cross-street connections for bicycles and pedestrians. 
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