By completing this form you agree and give your consent to our Constitution, Code of Conduct and the outlined operating principals of the shed as will be provided during your induction.

Constitution click HERE
Code of Conduct click HERE

Debenham shed annual membership fee is £50, or if paid half yearly £25.
Alternatively we also operate a pay as you go scheme of  a yearly fee of £10 and an additional £1.50 per session.
Payment to Debenham Shed may be made to:

Account Name: Debenham Shed
Account Number: 48063868
Sort Code: 30-96-26
Reference: Membership/Your Surname

Please complete the following information and click subscribe.

Further information may be obtained from 
* indicates required
Landline, format 01NNN NNNNNN
Mobile number, format 07NNN NNNNNN
Enter phone number, name and relationship
The date a member joined

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