
The Great Reconnection Is On
February 18, 2022

First, From the Heart

The walls of physical separation are slowly coming down around our world, and organizations are reconsidering their policies for the next phase of hybrid work. None of us have a crystal ball on what comes next, but we all recognize that nothing will be as it was before the pandemic. 

The Great Resignation demonstrates that as employees consider new possibilities, remember their core values, and seek a life aligned with purpose and meaning, they are likely to embrace work situations that reinforce these new priorities.

As compassionate leaders, we use our hearts, minds, and experience to create the cultures that support the thriving of each team member. We’ve dubbed this opportunity “The Great Reconnection.” It’s both an inner job, to reconnect with ourselves, and an expansive one, to foster connection with and among others. We’re excited to hear how you are making this happen in your part of the world.

With heart,

PS. If you are ready to connect with compassionate peers for an extraordinary eight-week online Compassionate Leadership and Resilience Training program, please consider applying before the early bird expires on February 21.

Practice Matters

Forgotten Home

Oh where, oh where is my heart, my home? Oh where, oh where can they be? I find that as more obstacles and challenges come my way, especially in rapid succession like a pile-up on an icy highway, it gets harder to find my way back to center.

You would think we’ve had plenty of opportunities to practice the skills of resilience, reclamation, and restoration over the past few years. I, for one, have experienced no shortage of disease, isolation, darkness, and struggle. How easy it is to forget I am not alone! We have all been on this profoundly difficult journey together, and somehow that helps me process my own grief. 

Summoning the intention to focus away from the car crash, I remember that recognizing our deep connectedness helps me appreciate the joys of life that have been hiding under the covers. Nature. Pleasure. Ease. Love. The fire in my heart and home continue to burn brightly – I simply turn my attention toward their light, and all is well right now.

When can we practice? Always!

If you'd like to explore additional Practice Matters, you can find them here.

Best of the Blog

The Great Reconnection

A lot of attention has been given to the “The Great Resignation.” What next? The human species owes its strength and its existence to connection and cooperation. We need each other to not only survive but also to thrive. As compassionate leaders, we are remaking our organizations to prioritize safety, connection, and belonging for all. “The Great Reconnection” is already underway. Read more.

Research Worth Sharing

Leaders Don’t Have to Choose Between Compassion and Performance
by Mark Mortensen and Heidi K. Gardner
in Harvard Business Review, 2/16/2022

Do compassion and performance conflict? We certainly believe that they mutually reinforce – compassion supports performance which enhances compassion. In this Harvard Business Review article, Mark Mortensen and Heidi K. Gardner agree. To deliver both compassion and performance, they advocate for approaching compassion with the same business discipline one would use for other challenges. Read the research.

Accepting Applications Now

Compassionate Leadership and Resilience Training Spring Cohorts
Early Bird Pricing Available Until February 21

We are excited to open application and registration for our online Spring 2022 Compassionate Leadership and Resilience Training cohorts, starting in March.

Our eight-week collaborative learning journey is based on decades of leadership experience and wisdom practice, coupled with emerging scientific and organizational evidence. Hundreds of program alumni are positively impacting the world in remarkable ways!
“This course was an incredibly enriching experience. I especially enjoyed the deep connection we cultivated as a group which created a safe space for us to share our individual experiences and unique perspectives/challenges. It was a transformative eight weeks that left me feeling inspired and ready to lead with compassion, both personally and professionally.”
-- Global Non-Profit Executive, Fall 2020 Cohort

One cohort is geared to an interdisciplinary audience of leaders in for-profit and non-profit organizations. The second cohort is specifically focused for leaders in the field of global health. Whichever cohort is aligned with your mission, you will be surrounded by an accomplished peer group of like-minded colleagues from around the world. Learn more about the interdisciplinary course here, and global health here.
Leadership, Evolved.
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Issue #113 – © 2022 Center for Compassionate Leadership, All rights reserved.

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