Welcome to the February issue of the newsletter!
This month's featured article provides an introduction to FRH Unite, the latest grant approved by the EU Commission that will provide FRH's network with funding for the period 2022 - 2024.
The Spanish Synagogue of Hijar/Church of St. Anthony is one of the 12 shortlisted sites in the '7 Most Endangered' programme after it was nominated by FRH and FRH member organisation Foundation for Jewish Heritage.
FRH welcomes two new member organisations in its network and a new Communications Officer who joined the team in the recent weeks.
The first edition of the Festival of the New European Bauhaus will be an opportunity for cultural organizations to showcase projects and initiatives that contribute to sustainability and inclusion in Europe. The deadline for submitting a project or propose a venue for the festival is March 7, 2022.
Continuing with European matters, The ''CulturEU funding guide'' of the European Commission is available for organisations to discover the various funding programmes at the European level.
After a year of waiting because of the Covid-19 pandemic, Lithuania, Luxembourg and Serbia gain prominence on the international scene as European Capitals of Culture for 2022.
Finally, the University Museum of Bergen has published a new catalogue on its medieval church art collection written by FRH council member Professor Justin Kroesen.
As always, we are happy to feature members in our newsletter, so feel free to submit articles, event notifications, or anything else you would like to share with the network.
Jordi Mallarach
FRH Executive Officer