- Check out OECD’s new publication - Regulation of Corporate Political Engagement - which covers topics like lobbying and political finance.
- Read ASEAN’s new report on emerging technologies in judicial integrity.
- Learn how Mexico City ensured a transparent and competitive procurement process in the expansion and upgrade of its eco-friendly and affordable bike share service in this story by the Open Contracting Partnership.
- Check out Luminate’s new report on Youth and Democracy in Latin America. It is available in English, Spanish and Portuguese.
- Explore People Powered’s Digital Participation Platforms Resource Center, which help reformers review the pros and cons of many comprehensive civic tech platforms, and make the right choice for their contexts.
- Check out ECNL's Learning Center, a new platform with explainers, videos, testimonials, case studies and readings, designed to walk you through the complex web of issues that impact civil society work.
- Check out OECD’s new report on public communications here.
- The World Justice Forum – the premier international event for the rule of law – is happening May 30 - June 2. Register here.
-Read this new guide by the International Budget Partnership and the Climate Finance Group for Latin America and the Caribbean to explore the role of public budgets in tackling climate change.