
Legislative Update- Feb. 13, 2022

The 2022 Legislative Session is underway and I hope you utilize this newsletter to keep you updated on the happenings in Topeka. This session, I will be serving on the Agriculture Committee, Transportation Committee and Water Committee.

I encourage you to watch the action via the Legislature’s YouTube Page or Listen Live to debate or read testimony via the Legislature’s website. As issues arise, I hope you will reach out to me to share your thoughts and concerns.

Rep. Jim Minnix
State Capitol, Room 512-N

Congressional Redistricting

Every ten years, following the census, the state redraws the boundaries that outline the state’s Congressional districts as well as the Kansas House and Kansas Senate districts.

The Legislature has spent the past year gathering feedback from Kansans about their priorities for redistricting and we have gotten to work quickly. For me, it is important that the Legislature actually draw maps, as they failed to do so ten years ago and left it in the hands of the courts. To me, that is neglecting our duty.

The Legislature, first, took up the Congressional map and passed Ad Astra 2. The map was vetoed by the Governor and this past week the Legislature voted to override the veto. I supported the map and the override. While not perfect, the map accomplishes the core goal of redistricting which is to ensure that every Kansan is equally represented. Redistricting is a messy process and will likely end up in court. I’ll keep you posted on the outcome of this as well as the other maps.

Check out the Legislature’s redistricting website and to see the submitted maps and even learn how you can submit your own map!

Economic Development

In western Kansas, we are all too familiar with trying to attract businesses to our area. The state of Kansas is no different, but they are competing with other states. Recently, the Department of Commerce came to the Legislature with an incentive package to help attract a prospective manufacturing company who intends to invest $4 billion in Kansas. They propose to bring 4,000 jobs to Kansas and build a 3-million-square-foot manufacturing facility.

I am a bit skeptical of tax incentives, but the House Commerce Committee did a great job digging into the proposal. The legislation now ensures that the incentives benefit Kansas and that we will see a return on investment. I voted in favor of the Attracting Powerful Economic Expansion Act (SB 347).

Budget and Taxes

When the Governor gave her annual State of the State address, she outlined a variety of measures she wants to fund with the state’s current surplus. I liked some of her budget proposals, disliked others and have a lot of questions about some others. Currently, the House Appropriations committee is combing through the budget proposal, so we can finalize our position and negotiate a final budget with the Senate.

The Governor also proposed to repeal the state’s portion of sales tax on food. The Senate, just this week, proposed to repeal the state’s portion of sales tax on food as well as sales tax on delivery services and sales tax on utilities, in addition to allowing movie theaters to keep the state sales tax on movie tickets for two years.

While I support repealing or reducing the sales tax on food, it is my hope the House Tax Committee will have a broader discussion about what tax reform should look like for Kansas families and businesses. If you have ideas, I hope you’ll share them with me!