
RÉCIT AGE Newsletter

February 2022
LCEEQ is behind us and ACE is on its way. It must be February!

Check out our team’s top picks for the LCEEQ conference and have a look at the ACE schedule.


Recent activities

ACE Online 2022

Here we are only one month away from the Anglophone Community Expo Online. Listen to a short podcast about the evolution of ACE.


LCEEQ Conference 2022 - Top 3

Here are three of our favourite LCEEQ workshops.

The workshop highlighted Gordon Robertson Beauty Academy (GRBA)'s ICT project that started in 2019. To date the contributing teachers have created a “master” Google Classroom in which they have developed and shared over 150 competency-based digital materials. This initiative has changed the teachers' relationship with ICT (information and communications technologies) and has transformed the centre's culture into a supportive and collaborative space.

James shared his takeaways from working at Portage, the only drug-treatment facility for English-speaking youth in Quebec. Many of our students in adult ed face the same challenges as those at Portage. An excellent reminder of the importance of Maslow before Bloom!

Alfie Kohn is an American educator known for his controversial views around the education system's fixation on grades and standardized testing. The keynote challenged us to think differently about established norms in education, based on emerging research on how students learn best. Here are some quotes from him:
  • Tests measure what matters least. They measure how many forgettable facts we have squeezed into short-term memory.
  • The more we are focused on their performance, the less students tend to be less engaged with what they are doing... the learning!
  • Rewards vs punishments in education result in the same thinking. The students will ask themselves, "What do the people who have all the power want me to do, and what do I get for doing it?”
  • Worse than a reward is an award. Awards are artificially scarce, only one person can get one. Competition teaches students that other people are obstacles to their success. It's not a caring community if you need other people to fail in order to succeed.
2022 LCEEQ Annual Conference

Check it out!

Après-cours FGA with EPC

Culturally-Responsive Pedagogy

Join Lisa Taylor on Wednesday, February 23rd from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM for her workshop on Culturally-Responsive Pedagogy. The description is below. Click on the link to go to the Après-cours FGA home page.
​​In this workshop, we’ll work with tools to engage our students as complex social beings and community members, critical pedagogy tools that bring the curriculum alive and prioritize relevance and empowerment in our students’ learning. You can sign up here or wait for the email flyer!

L’Équipe-choc Pedagogical

AGE Resources website

Our curriculum counterparts in L’Équipe-choc Pedagogical will finish fully updating their website on February 22, 2022 with a wealth of material. Drop by to see what is there for you.

QCSI Network

QCSI Newsletter has just been published!

The QCSI Network has had a bit of an upgrade and the biannual newsletter is out right now! Head on over to the website and sign up for the newsletter by clicking on the button on the top banner.


Visit the RÉCIT VT website for updates and information. Vocational teachers, consultants, and administrators can also book an appointment with James or Daniel for any PD needs or training requests.

James Burn on Twitter
Daniel Jordan

Social media and websites

How to reach us: Facebook and Twitter:
@SalvagioJoanne   @ebowles_RECIT   @a_spector   @MrGwrites

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Alexandrie FGAAprès-cours FGACampus RÉCIT  • Carrefour FGA
Moodle FGAPédago Mosaïque / PDMosaicRÉCIT
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