March 2022
First, I would like to thank you...for collaborating on these projects with me, for your kind words of encouragement, for sharing my work with others, and for supporting me in my work. I could not do any of this without you.

It was a lovely day to visit the Leighton Art Centre for the opening reception of 'The Grandmothers' exhibit. It is beautifully displayed in the tower room of the  Leighton Art Centre, which comes complete with a couple of cozy chairs in which to sit and read the stories of the grandmothers. The portraits are now available to purchase online  here ( or in person. The exhibit will be up until April 2 and the open hours of the gallery are Tuesday to Saturday 10-4. If you are coming to visit in person, I encourage you leave yourself some extra time to read the stories of these incredible women.

I have also been approached about the possibility of exhibiting them elsewhere in late April. This exhibit will be documented in the provincial archives so if your family chooses to purchase them, I wondered if they could be loaned for that exhibit as well. I can't thank you all enough for contributing to another project and for sharing the stories of your incredible grandmothers.
There are also a few booklets available at the Leighton Art Centre...they include the portrait painting and the story of each grandmother.
Supported by Calgary Arts Development, Alberta Foundation for the Arts & the Government of Canada.

To read more, link on images below:
The weather was amazing during my week as the artist-in-residence at the Banff Boutique Inn and the accommodations were incredible. I spent every day walking along the river and around town where I met the loveliest people. A couple of young gals that were in Canada as exchange students from Switzerland & Germany asked to take a photo as part of a school project and were kind enough to take one of me with my work-in-progress (Mount Rundle) then shared me with it later. Thank you Amelie & Hanne! 

I decided to take this time to focus on two-sided paintings...on one side of the panel I painted a landscape, paying particular attention to the things that have been important to me since childhood, and on the other I painted an 'interior' of sorts...from chairs to glasses of wine or cups of tea. If you are interested in seeing more photos and reading about the inspiration, please visit my website here.
The Naked Leaf
Another one of my canoes will soon be available on a tea tin at The Naked Leaf in Kensington, Calgary. Thank you so much for supporting local art in Alberta Jonathon!
Thank you!
A huge 'Thank you!' to those who have given some of my birds a new home during the Square Foot Show. And a special thank you to Jule deBoer and Julia Veenstra for inviting me to take part in this fun little exhibit.
'Animalis' Exhibition
'Blue Rock Pigeon' / 12x12 / acrylic on canvas

I'm looking forward to having another bird exhibited as part of  the 'Animalis' exhibition at the Federation Gallery and online on March 8-20 in Vancouver. With all of the walks I took with my girls over the holidays, I was inspired by all the beautiful birds that have been visiting. We're very lucky to live by a creek, so the varieties of the birds are always such a treat. Though pigeons are often considered nuisance birds, I think they are beautiful. 
Art Talk with April
Four years ago, Alabama artist April Harris was part of my 'Nasty Women' project and now she invited me to take part of her podcast 'Art Talk with April.' She is an incredible artist and wonderful person so we had a great conversation about art and motherhood. If you are interested in listening, please visit her podcasts here, watch on her youtube channel here, or read on her blog here.
Woman's Work
If you are interested in being part of this project that will focus on the value of the contributions of women, I need a couple of things emailed here:

1.  I need a photograph or two of you.
2. Share a sentence or two (or more!) about the work you do, have done, or would love to do (everything from parenting to volunteering to jobs/careers).

Thank you so much for contributing to this project!

If you'd like to learn more about the project, please visit my website here.
On February 17, LevellingUp announced that it has changed its name to Mastrius in order to encompass it's core values of 'Mastery' + 'Us' as mentorship, sharing and collaboration builds success for everyone. It really is about artists supporting artists. My next group, which is beginning in April, will focus creating a body of work and all that it entails including...

- finding the initial inspiration
- submissions (creating a portfolio, markets & galleries)
- social media (ie. website, instagram)
- writing (statement, biography, articles)
- business (photography, finance, planning & budgeting

For more information or to join a waiting list, please visit
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