The Woodland Compass,current news for Willamette Valley woodland owner/managers
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February, 2022

The calendar says it is still winter, but spring is nearby with osoberry now breaking bud and chorus frogs tuning up.  Here are some articles catching up on some recent happenings. 


June 2021 heat impacts on trees explained
Last summer’s heat event alarmed everyone, and left many people wondering what the lasting effects would be.  That is still not clear, but Glenn Ahrens reports on a conference about the event, and shares insights on its impacts on trees and implications for the future.

Gathering info on coast redwood and giant sequoia
OSU Forestry & Natural Resources Extension convened the Growing Redwoods in Oregon Science Meeting last fall. This meeting was to gather information for a resources guide for Western Oregon woodland owners and forestland managers interested in growing coast redwood and/or giant sequoia.

Let’s talk mistletoes
There are two types of mistletoe, dwarf, and true or leafy mistletoes, and both are represented in the Valley.  Do you know which you see commonly in oak trees?  This article by Lauren Grand may help demystify mistletoes.

New Publication: Managing Logging Slash Piles in Northwest Oregon
Find a visual explanation of best management practices for burning the material that is not left for nutrients, firewood or wildlife purposes. The goal of this OFRI publication is to reduce fire hazards on the landscape and assist landowners with safely creating and burning slash piles.  This in one to have, and to share with your neighbors!
Watch for the NEEDLE with announcements of upcoming events.  Also, please send us information on events of interest to Family Forestland owners that you notice we are missing.
The Compass is sent out by email every two months with news and information to help landowners in Benton, Linn and Polk Counties take care of and enjoy their woodland properties.  Electronic announcements of upcoming events will be distributed through the Needle to help keep you informed about local workshops, tours or other happenings.  Please share with family and friends.

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OSU Extension Benton, Linn, & Polk County Forestry webpages
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OSU Extension, Benton County
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Corvallis OR 97333

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