PES Women & Rainbow Rose warmly invite you to our online Campaign Launch  on 7 March at 7 PM (CET)

On the eve of the International Women's Day, we are hosting an online conversation to inaugurate our joint campaign "Reclaim your Space - a feminist outcry for equality". With this campaign, we want to raise awareness of the inequalities and growing harassment against women* all over Europe, including LBT* women. When speaking of spaces we want to reclaim, we speak of streets, workspaces, but also online space, public discourses, and our very own homes. 

Make your voice heard, and join Rainbow Rose President Camila Garfias, PES Women President Zita Gurmai, S&D Chair in the European Parliament Iratxe Garcia Perez, 1st VP of PES Committee of the Regions & Mayor of Ovanaker Yoomi Renstroem, EC*L board member Dragana Todorovic, for this important discussion ahead of International Women's Day.
Join us live on Twitter Spaces if you want to learn more about what YOU and the EU can do to reclaim spaces for women*

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