Ceci n'est pas une newsletter      by COFACE Families Europe

10 February 2022

Dear readers,

COFACE  is growing by the minute and we are happy to welcome our newest member, based in Poland!  Share The Care Foundation was established in 2019 with the mission to prepare society for impactful changes in the area of ​​sharing child care between mothers and fathers. We're happy to have them on board to push for gender equality in Europe.

Keep on reading for EU news and everything related to families and I hope to see some of you next week for our Breakfast Bytes on Energy poverty to discuss the #Facturasimpossibles's campaign of Isadora Ducan. You will also get to hear from a representative from the Right To Energy Coalition.

There's still time to register here!

Stay safe,

Communication Officer
COFACE Families Europe

Children online: Safe and supported digital citizens

2 minutes reading 

For Safer Internet Day 2022, COFACE Families Europe called on all relevant stakeholders to ensure that children are supported in their development as digital citizens. This does not mean limiting children’s use of the internet but ensuring that the online world is regulated by policymakers and designed by technology companies to uphold children’s rights. 
Read the full statement
COFACE takes part in the ESAs high-level conference on financial education and literacy 

2 minutes reading 

The European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs) – EBA, EIOPA and ESMA, held their first joint high-level conference which gathered government representatives as well as experts from public authorities, academia, and NGOs. COFACE's Policy and Advocacy Manager, Martin Schmalzried, took part in the conference to share input on the topic of digitalization in regards to financial literacy with a specific focus on cybersecurity, scams, and fraud. 
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The future of schools beyond Covid-19

2 minutes reading

The outbreak of Covid-19 changed schools almost overnight. There was suddenly a lot of uncertainty around the question of how to deliver school education. This report from the European Schoolnet shares the collective learning experiences of speakers and participants during its webinar series that run between November 2020 and March 2021. [...]
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New Baltic Family Card launched
3 minutes reading

The Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian competent authorities have signed an agreement on cooperation in the implementation of the Family Card programmes in all three Baltic States (Baltic Family Card). The large families and families raising a child with disabilities holding the Family Card in Lithuania will receive support, while the same applies in Latvia and Estonia. 
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Toolbox: to be or not to be a personal assistant to a family member?

2 minutes reading 

The Toolbox ‘To be or not to be a personal assistant to a family member’ was developed as part of a transnational cooperation project with 4 core partners including COFACE Disability member Magenta. The toolbox is indeed a co-creation involving the insight and expertise of 150 stakeholders. [...]
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OPINION - The regulation of food marketing in Europe: From a dogmatic belief in self-regulation to the adoption of an effective regulatory framework?

4 minutes reading

Legislative reforms must be driven by evidence, not by a dogmatic belief in self-regulation. It is only if the EU adopts legally binding rules protecting all children from exposure to all forms of cross-border unhealthy food marketing that it will ensure that their best interests are upheld as a primary consideration. [...]

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© 2021 COFACE Families Europe, All rights reserved.

COFACE Families Europe has been involved for 60 years in building a strong social, inclusive and family-friendly Europe. It brings forward the voice of millions of families (all types, without discrimination), gathering 58 organisations from all over Europe. COFACE Families Europe advocates for strong social policies that take into consideration family needs and guarantee equal opportunities for all families. More:

Contact details:
Director: Elizabeth Gosme: Editor: Bettina Guigui

More information
This newsletter has received financial support from the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation "EaSI" (2022-2025).

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