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Sunday Service Recap
On Sunday Erin used bubbles as a way to discuss hearing God's voice. Did you know that the Hebrew root word of prophecy is the word “naba”? It literally means “bubble up", to pour forth, spout, to flow,  eagerly utter, spring, belch forth. Erin made some observations about bubbles and related them to learning to hear God, bubbles are:
  • Light, not burdensome: God speaks encouragement, comfort and wisdom to us. He wants to lift us up, not weigh us down
  • Reflect light: The words we receive should reflect the character and nature of God. God isn’t going to contradict Himself and the written word
  • Cannot be controlled or contained: God's voice shouldn't be controlled or contained by us... That's like trying to dig up a pile of bubbles with a shovel & cart them away on a truck (it doesn't work out very well)
  • Easy to break: We often hear God as the still, small voice in our mind. This can be cut off by our owns thoughts & other distractions
  • There’s usually more than just 1 bubble: God so wants to speak to His children. It’s not a special gift only for a few
  • Caused by something (usually soap): Revelations rises up from the Living Water/Holy Spirit flowing within us (John 7:38)
  • Stronger together: Hearing God's voice should be done in community for accountability, correction, & standing in faith while waiting for His promises come to pass
Erin also covered some other "Hearing God 101" tips and tools for when you're finding it tricky to him Him. Check out the full message below.
Worship Playlists
One tool Erin mentioned on Sunday that was useful to help us enter God's presence and hear Him is worship (as Psalm 100:4 explains). We've created a few playlists on Spotify of songs we sing Sunday mornings and a few other classics. You can find them here. If you're not a Spotify user, don't worry - we're working on getting these on other platforms too.
Prayer Items
- What "wonder numbers" are in your life that are stopping you from hearing God's voice bubbling up within you? Ask God to show you these things and how to remove them.
- Leaders in all spheres of influences (business, government, families, religion, media, arts & entertainment, education). We bless them, ask for protection for them and their families, for peace and unity in their respect areas of influence. We ask God to help them lead with righteousness and Holy Spirit wisdom - even if they don't know Him personally... And we pray they would come to know Jesus personally if they don't already! 
- The Beattie Family while on sabbatical
Missed Sunday?  Check it out here
Find us live on YouTube on Facebook Sundays at 10am 
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