FEBUARY 18, 2022


Sharing your stories of encouragement, inspiration and Missional Living so that all may delight in His goodness! Send stories and photos to, and tag us on social media #WeAreFirstPres.

"This is what the Lord, the God of your father David, says: I have heard your prayer and seen your tears; I will heal you."

2 Kings 20:5b


A letter of gratitude from Brian Hering, friend of First Pres Covenant Partner and Deacon, Marnie Waldrop:

On January 9, I was severely injured and quickly drove from my home in Chuluota to the ER in Oviedo. Soon after arriving I died on the operating table. I flatlined and was dead for over 2 minutes. The medical team revived me and immediately flew me to ORMC for emergency surgery. I woke the next morning strapped to the bed with incredible soreness, unable to return home for a week. 

2 weeks later, after complications with my insurance, in-home care and recovery, Marnie arranged for round-trip transport to see my surgeon where I was informed that I had over 6 liters of blood transfused into my body during surgery, and that I was in such a fragile state when I first arrived to ORMC that I coded a second time and was dead for 5 minutes before being revived.  

The trauma and recovery process was eased so significantly by Marnie’s care. She prepared homemade chicken noodle soup, spinach soufflé and delivered a lovely handmade prayer shawl from First Pres’ Holy Stitches ministry. Marnie has provided unconditional support and wonder-working prayers. The gifts and numerous prayers from First Pres have been moving and healing.  

It will be a long road before I’m back to my normal self, but the power of prayer and love have been my lifeline. Thank you all very much for your healing hands, prayers and the beautiful shawl.  

My forever gratitude, 

Praise God from whom all blessing flow! Marnie saw a need and acted. Being the hands and feet of Christ, Marnie is living on mission to serve and love those around her. With great care, Marnie demonstrates the heart of Christ to her neighbor, Brian.

Where have you witnessed, offered or received the loving care of Christ through others recently? 


If you’re currently navigating a tough season, we’d love to PRAY FOR YOU.

“Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.”

Romans 12:11


Recently, our College Ministry’s guys small group dove into Mark 5. In this passage, Jesus gathers His disciples to journey to the region of Gerasenes. Upon arrival, they encounter a man possessed by demons. The story takes some wild turns before Jesus heals the outcast. 

As our college guys reflected on the chapter, Jonathan Green noted, "If you think about it, this whole story is about movement. Jesus moves toward this man, and the man falls at Jesus' feet, then Jesus heals him, and so on." This profound realization prompted another question for the group: practically, what does it mean to move toward Jesus in our lives?

One week later, Jonathan presented an opportunity for the guys to move. His close family friend was facing an unexpected relocation and needed movers to help get things sorted and transferred to the new home. Without hesitation, the guys jumped into action. 

Their 8am arrival shed light on an overwhelming truth – they were the only ones there to help. The task before them was enormous. Charging ahead, room by room they went, sorting, packing, and making trips to the family's new home to unload the truck. As the sun set, they wrapped up their monumental but fulfilling job and gained greater understanding of what it means to move toward Jesus – practically.

They summarized their grueling day with this thought: Jesus calls us to serve joyfully. If the task had been simple, we would have missed the richness of connection, teamwork and true, all-in service. Our guys were continually challenged to check their hearts and say yes to this big task. Faithfully, the Lord revealed the joy found in His service. 

Consider serving with College Ministry for deep connection while Living Missionally!

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