Leading or Want to Start a Carpentries Subcommunity? Join the Conversation!
We have launched a new Slack channel, #community, and TopicBox listserv that we will be using to support communications around community development and sustainability. If you are leading or are interested in starting a local, regional, domain-specific, or other Carpentries subcommunity, we ask you to join us there where we will be posting relevant communications. Additional details can be found in this blog post.
Update from the Workshop Administration Team
You may have heard by now that online workshops are here to stay, and with the transition of online workshops from pilot to permanent, the Workshop Administration Team is making some important changes to the current workshop documentation. Two of the major things that we are working on at this time
- Changes to the emails that go out to hosts and Instructors, for both Self-Organised and Centrally-Organised workshops,
- Resources available to hosts and Instructors to help with the workshop organisation process.
While the workshop team is working on this diligently, it is going to take some time to sort through and update our current documentation and to create new resources and materials. In the meantime, if you identify any areas that are in need of improvement, please let us know! You can reach the Workshop Administration Team at workshops@carpentries.org.