March 2022                                                   Clean
image courtesy of CA Horticultural Society
Hello friends,
We're writing to you with heavy hearts and thoughts focused on the terrible wars - against the Ukrainian people and the transgender community in Texas and between the political parties in our own country. It's hard to stay focused when there seems to be new crises each day -- be here's to staying awake and continuing to do whatever we can to move our society forward toward a more peaceful, inclusive and welcoming global society.

And so we're grateful for Spring - it brings such hope. The daffodils poking forth. The magnolia blossoms opening up. The asparagus beginning to show up in the farmers market! We're on the other side of winter (less so in chilly New Englad, brrr....) and the sun is leading us toward summer. Which also means it's time to PLANT!
So let's talk seeds. And talk about hope! Seeds embody deep history and promises for tomorrow. Seeds speak of biodiversity, flavor, climate resilience, and of nourishment. They represent food sovereignty and generational knowledge. And in the end, they are food. All that wrapped up in such a tiny package!

What about your relationsip to seeds? Do you save them yourself? (nice job, by the way) Trade them with friends? (Horray for community centered gardening!) Find them in Little Seed Libraries? (like for books, but with seeds!)  This month we're sharing resources for all things seeds and ways to get your hands in the dirt both metaphorically and literally. 'cuz.... Springtime!

From our gardens and kitchens,
the Slow Food East Bay team


Slow Food USA
Excuse us for the nepotism, but we are so proud of the work being done throughout the Slow Food network for the annual Plant A Seed campaign and wanted to be sure you knew about it! 

This year's seed kits is All About Beans (with a nod to Slow Food International's Slow Beans movement!) and include six varieties of heirloom beans representing the regions of the United States from Hank's X-tra Special to Arikara yellow to California's Santa Maria Pinquito. These beans are meant to pique your curiosity about bean's relationship to land and people and the ways in which growing them can postively impact soils, biodiversity and combat climate change. Plus they are delicious and nutritious!

Ready to learn more? Buy your kit here for $30, which includes packets of the six beans plus a "Bean Zine" with lots of hints and tips and stories. 

And as we tell the stories of beans, we recognize the integral Indigenous knowledge as seed keepers. In gratitude for the work that endures and sustains us all on Turtle Island, 10% of each kit will be returned to the Indigenous Seed Keepers Network.


21st Annual BASIL Bay Area Seed Swap
Saturday April 2nd 10am-3pm
The Bay Area Seed Interchange Library (BASIL) Seed Swap is finally back! Join them for free resources for gardening and seed saving and ways to share your seeds and gather new ones for your own growing pleasure.

Garden Volunteer Day - Marina
Sunday March 20th midmorning
Come explore a new community growing space in the Marina, helping tend the soil and harvest fava leaves while learning from the soil wizards that created the space during the Covid shutdown. More details coming soon, watch our socials or email us for more information.


🎥 Watch 

Seed Power, Grow Justice: Video Series
Watch Here
In this four part series from Urban Tilth, they explore how an urban farm can be integral in catalysing transformation, creating resilience and equity in urban communities. Beautiful. And Powerful!

📰 Read

The Seed Keeper by Diane Wilson
Purchase here
"Wilson discovered that seeds have stories to tell, both in their genetic material and in the histories of the people who grew and protected them." Though this book is fiction, it is a grappling of the loss of traditional knowledge and using seeds for reviving cultural identity and community.

Saving Heirloom Seeds Can Protect Crop Diversity

Read here
A deep dive into seeds and their role in both keeping us nourished and the soil and water and air cleaner in a climate changed future. Worth the time!

🌱 Need Seeds? 

Seed Libraries
Edible East Bay's List
Incredible local resources for sharing seeds and knowledge

Buying Seeds
We (of course) think you should share and save instead of buy, but if buying it the best path for you, here are our suggestions:
Truelove Seeds
Second Generation Seeds

I Grow Sh*t
Uprising Organics Seeds
Melanated Organics
Seed Savers Exchange



Get Your Hands in the Dirt
As the days lengthen and spring vegetables begin to flood our farmers market, take the time yourself to do a little digging. That could mean carrots in your back yard raised bed, lettuce in a box alongside your porch or a pot of herbs on your kitchen windowsill. The healing power of feeling the life of soil is not to be under estimated!  




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