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April 2022 - 4th Edition

Welcome to the 2nd Suicide Prevention Newsletter of 2022 for Bath and North East Somerset (B&NES). 

This newsletter has been created to keep you informed of suicide prevention work that is happening in B&NES and update you  on forthcoming events and training opportunities. A theme will be introduced for each newsletter and the focus of this edition is 'alcohol and suicide'.

Please share within your network and wider for shared awareness. To subscribe for future newsletters or access archived newsletters press the 'subscribe' button above.

If you would like more information about the content of this newsletter or if you would like to contribute to future editions, please get in touch by emailing 


Disclaimer: If you find any of this content upsetting or distressing please call Samaritans 116 123 for free or talk to a professional or a person you trust.

In This Newsletter


  • Latest news

  • Suicide reporting

  • Training

  • Alcohol and Suicide

  • Tools

  • Key dates

Latest News

'Freedom Day': On the 24th February the last restrictions for helping to control the spread of coronavirus were lifted in England. The pandemic has taken a huge toll on mental health, those with existing problems have seen their symptoms worsen whilst others struggle with their mental health for the first time. Research conducted by Mind found that around 1in 3 adults and over 1 in 3 young people said their mental health had got worse since the beginning of the pandemic. As we transition to 'living with COVID19' It is important to remind you to make space for yours and others feelings. 

Real people, real stories: On the 1st March, Samaritans launched the third phase of its Real people, Real stories campaign aiming to reach men in rural communities who are struggling to cope, to help them from reaching crisis point.

National Suicide Prevention Alliance : Launched their new free suicide awareness training for university students in January, to try and address concerning rates of suicide among young people. The student edition of the training and more information can be found on their website: 

Government: Bereaved families at inquests can apply for legal representation through exceptional case funding without means testing following changes on 12 January 2022. Find out more information here


Suicide is a significant public health and social inequality issue and one that grabs media attention. When reporting on a suicide however, journalists should consider that without considerable care their article(s) can put vulnerable people at risk. 

Research has shown that certain types of media depictions of suicide, can lead to imitational behaviours among vulnerable people. In contrast coverage of a person coming through a suicidal crisis can serve as a powerful testimony to others.  Samaritans has developed media guidelines for reporting suicide which reinforces the industry codes of practice. They offer practical advice on how to reduce the risk of negative media reporting and how to maintain the highest standards of coverage. Follow this link to find out more about Samaritans media guidelines for reporting suicide.

Further resources to support specific reporting topics like; self-harm and suicide, youth suicides and guidance for working with people bereaved with suicide can be found on the Samaritans media guidelines page.

The Samaritans also offer an e-learning programme developed for journalists and programme makers covering suicide and self-harm in the media. You can find out more and sign up through this link.


Child Bereavement UK Bereavement by suicide - Supporting children, young people and families. A 3-hour interactive online workshop will consider the challenges associated with supporting children and young people bereaved by suicide- multiple dates (£45 per person).

Bath Mind - Mental Health First Aid. Dates available throughout April and May. Become a Mental Health First Aider and attend Bath minds online course. The online MHFA is broken down into 4 live sessions with independent learning (£304 per person).

Bath Mind - Suicide First Aid training: 9th May: The course focuses on teaching the theory and practice of suicide intervention skills that can be applied in any professional or personal setting (£163 per person).

Suicide Awareness for Everyone - SAFETalk: Suicide Awareness For Everyone, is an introductory talk about suicide, to raise awareness, explore the prevalence and spots signs of risks  - Multiple dates (free).

Talking About suicide: Ten tools - online training - In just 90 minutes, learn ten tools and develop confidence to start a conversation with someone you're worried about. You could save their life (donations).

Maytree Respite Centre: Level 1 Suicide Awareness and Prevention Training - This Level 1 training is aimed at professionals looking to develop their understanding of suicidal ideation (free).

Maytree Respite Centre: Level 2 Suicide Awareness and Prevention Training. This Level 2 training is aimed at professionals with existing knowledge around suicide, looking to further develop their skills and understanding (free).

Charlie Waller Trust,   Free webinars for parents, cares and educators, exploring strategies for maintaining positive mental health, paying attention to our own wellbeing and supporting those around them. Topics include: managing the highs and lows, the teen brain matters and loneliness.


  1.  Boys in Mind (Girls Mind Too) is a  B&NES based movement, set up as an outcome from the previous B&NES Suicide Prevention Strategy.  Now run by young people themselves, Boys in Mind work hard to support the mental health and wellbeing of boys and young men including through the development of films, work in schools, blogs and podcasts. 
  2. The Stay Alive app is a pocket suicide prevention resource for the UK, packed full of useful information to help you stay safe. You can use it if you are having thoughts of suicide or if you are concerned about someone else who may be considering suicide.
  3. Making suicide part of the everyday conversation, HOPECAST is a podcast from UK charity, PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide. By talking openly and honestly with a range of guests about suicide, mental health and emotional wellbeing, HOPECAST is smashing the stigma around suicide one conversation at a time.
  4. Bath Mind Breathing Space  offers a calm, non-clinical service, supporting individuals experiencing or at risk of a mental health crisis.  Email: or call: 01225 983130. Lines are open 365 days a year between 5:30pm – 11:30pm.
  5. The Beside Project provides emotional and practical support to any individual living in B&NES who has recently may have a lost a family member or next of kin to suicide. Email or call 0117 909 6630
  6. Survivors Of Bereavement by Suicide (SOBS) have self-help support groups across the UK, where you can meet with other people who have been bereaved by suicide.  They provide an opportunity to listen, to share, to ask questions and to connect with others. To join the Bath SOBS group email: Website:

Alcohol and suicide

According to the Samaritans Insights from experience alcohol and suicide  report (February 2022), people who are dependent on alcohol are approximately 2.5 times more likely to die by suicide than the general population.  The report clearly highlights that the relationship between alcohol and suicide is connected to both the impact of long-term alcohol use and the immediate effects of drinking.

According to Drinkaware 'Alcohol use can trigger suicidal feelings and thoughts.'
Through reducing or stopping drinking you could prevent these suicidal feelings and thoughts.
It can often be difficult to keep track of how much you’re drinking over the course of an evening or a week. With so many different drinks, glass sizes and bottles. But knowing your units can help you stay in control of your drinking and find ways to reduce it. Check your units here.
You can also find out what your risk of harm from alcohol is by using our anonymous interactive tool. 


"People in touch with specialist mental health services who also have a history of alcohol problems can be at elevated risk of death by suicide. Between 2007 and 2017 there were 5,963 suicides in mental health patients with a history of alcohol misuse, an average of 542 deaths by suicide per year – about 10% of all deaths by suicide in England."

Key Dates

Stress Awareness Month
April marks the start of Stress awareness Month. 
Stress awareness month is co-ordinated by the Stress Management Society, designed to increase  awareness of the causes and cures of stress. This years theme for stress awareness month is community.
Visit the Stress Management Society for free resources and more information on their 30 day challenge.

Mental Health Awareness Week
9th - 15th May 2022
Mental Health Awareness Week is an annual event hosted by the 'Mental Health Foundation' and has grown to be one of the biggest awareness weeks in across the UK.  This years theme for mental health week is Loneliness.
Keep an eye out on Mental Health Foundation webpages for campaign materials and how to get involved

If you have anything you would like to share in the quarterly suicide prevention newsletter, or would like to contribute to future newsletters, please get in touch using our email address below.

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Find out more about the B&NES action plan and where you can access suicide prevention and bereavement resources, support, and training (including free online training by visiting: 

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B&NES Suicide Prevention Partnership · Keynsham Civic Centre · Market Walk, Keynsham · Bristol, Avon BS31 1FS · United Kingdom

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