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Welcome to the Rising Together Newsletter!
Rising Together is an online worship space and an amazing opportunity for community building as we connect with each other virtually across the country. Over time, we seek to build bridges with each other to help understand our present realities and also connect to our past and discover the rich histories of Black, Indigenous, and other People of Colour in Unitarian Universalist history. We aim to create a space of support and solidarity as well as of comfort and reflection through varied worship, themed discussions, and thoughtful interactions. Thank you for being here.
Opening Song

Next Session: March 5th 4-5:30 ET

Hello March! This month, as we welcome a new season and get excited for the slow but long anticipated return of the bright spring sun, we will be exploring the topic of play! Play is such an integral part of being human and finding joy. This month we're going to talk about playfulness, playground nostalgia, and how we actively practice playing in our busy lives. 

February Recap!

Last month we checked in to how we love and show care and compassion using the work of Adrienne Maree Brown. Following her guidance we opened up a discussion around our love languages and the kinds of care we want, need, and are excited to see in our communities. 
What Else is Going On?!
If you need help finding more information on anything posted, please reach out! 

First Wednesday of Every Month- March 2nd, 2022,      8pm ET
If you identify as a Black UU Young Adult, please join us on the first Wednesday of every month at 8:00 pm/ 5:00pm PST. Our monthly time together is an exclusive Black, Unitarian Universalist, Young Adults space spent building community and bonds, supporting one another, and having fun! Led by Donovan Hayden and Kamila Jacob. You can register here!

BIPOC Gathering,      March 10th, 7:00PM ET
Check out this monthly BIPOC UU space facilitated by Kamila Jacob! Contact Kamila with any questions,

BLUU Worship First Thursday Every Month,      9pm ET
If you are a Black UU (or non-uu) please check out the BLUU worship space the first Thursday of every month. You can find more information on how to register at this link.

YARN Worship , March 20th,      8pm ET
UU young adults and friends from around the world are invited to attend our monthly worship service, held on the third Sunday of each month. Each month our Worship Team puts together a fabulous, faithful, spiritual program that reflects our faith and the fact that we are young adults. From our song choice, to the content of our reflections, this isn’t your traditional UU worship experience. So join us, and discover a different way to embody our faith. This is an intergenerational event, all people ages 18 and older are welcome to attend. Register here!

Call for submissions for the inSpirit 2023 collection
Skinner House Books, the imprint of the Unitarian Universalist Association, invites members of UU communities to submit proposals for the Spring 2023 inSpirit title. Meditations can be prose or poetry, humorous and personal or formal and liturgical. Each prose meditation is typically between 200 and 650 words. Poetry meditations should be no longer than 54 lines each. All meditations should be suitable for both private reflection and public worship. Find more information here.
Things to Know About!
I want to open up this newsletter again to include some interesting pieces of history and current projects that feel relevant to our time and place. If you have something you want me to include in the future, please let me know! For this month though, I'm sharing a few of my favorite resources for staying up to date on what's going on with the world. The following sites are pretty active, inclusive, and offer both educational resources and opportunities for offering tangible support.

First, Seeding Sovereignty! Here's a short exerpt from their website;
"The Seeding Sovereignty Project was born at Sacred Stone Camp following a request to Janet MacGillivray, an environmental lawyer of Muskoke lineage, by Chief Arvol Looking Horse, 19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe to speak with members of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe regarding the establishment of a resistance camp at the River. On April 1, 2016 Camp was established. On August 31, 2016 the Oceti Sakowin youth requested to partner for strategic mentorship, legal support and media training, and a bridge to elders for transference of traditional knowledge and cultural preservation."
Find more about their history, projects, mission and values on
their site linked here!

Next! I want to share this awesome, free, educational resource, The Slow Factory. Here's some details about their work from their website- I *highly* recommend checking their work out and signing up for some classes! 

"Most traditional education was-- and still is-- designed to create a consumer class of workers willing to ride the train of environmental nihilism and human exploitation to its final destination: climate catastrophe, cultural erasure, ethnic cleansing, and societal breakdown. Slow Factory created Open Edu to cultivate the critical thinking and knowledge to dismantle harmful systems. Our free and accessible series of anti-colonial, intersectional classes center the voices and perspectives of People of the Global Majority. Open Edu is more than a school. It is a practice of collective liberation. Open Edu is more than a school. It is a practice of collective liberation."

Find out more about this work and sign up for classes at their website found here!

Closing Song
Final Thoughts!

I hope you are all feeling the turn of the earth and looking forward with anticipation and excitement for a new season and all it brings with it. Remember it is ok to feel overwhelmed as we juggle our anxieties about the state of the world, our personal joys and concerns, and community needs, and our wishes for the future. We are living in unprecedented times and I urge you to take as many breaks from social media as you can and remember to practice gratitude and patience in your day to day wanderings.
 As usual, if you have any questions- concerns- events- or anything else you'd like us to uplift in this newsletter, please reach out to 
Copyright © *2021* *Rising Together*, All rights reserved.

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