Your weekly injection of tech news from the Doctolib team
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Happy Tuesday and Happy International Women's Day!

This year's theme is "Break the Bias" which prompts us to imagine a gender equal world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. You can find out lots more about the mission and read stories of inspiring women here.

Alongside that we've our normal curated list of Javascript, Ruby, Engineering Tools and DoctoTechLife content to get you informed this week.

Until next time! 

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Javascript / React

What's Really Going On Inside Your node_modules Folder ?

Do you remember when the npm package ua-parser-js was compromised by a supply chain attack and injected with malware that stole passwords from 100s of other applications ? Feross talks about why these attacks are becoming so popular and some of the concrete steps you can take to protect yourself from them. Stay safe out there 🛡️

 Getting Started With the File System Access API

The File System Access API is a relatively new API that allows you to build apps that can directly interact with files on user's local device to build powerful new web apps (e.g. VS Code but in the browser). Check out Charlie's article on how to get started with using it. 

📹 The Story of React

And to top it all off, a bit of a history lesson on how React got started, its initial poor reception and why it got so popular. 10 years of modern web-app history covered in just 10 minutes. 
Ruby / Rails

The In-depth Guide to ActiveRecord load_async in Rails 7

Rails 7 introduced load_async to... well, load data in a background thread. As exciting as it sounds, one may also find it scary and bug prone, and have many questions around this. Pawel Urbanek brings answers here, and dives deep into this new mechanism.

Import maps under the hoods in Rails 7

Import maps are the new way to declare frontend dependencies in Rails 7. And if you're like me, you never heard of them before they were added to our favorite framework. So let's see what they are, and how they will work in Rails.

 Ruby Rogues podcast on Async Ruby

You may have already heard about Async Ruby, but have you already dived in it any deeper? Bruno Sutic has been using it for 1 year and a half, and during this new Ruby Rogues episode, is sharing with us his experience with the Aysnc Ruby ecosystem.

Make your rails upgrade easier with railsdiff

When upgrading Rails in your projects, it's hard to exactly know everything that's changed. Sure you go over the version notes, sure you have a thorough test suite (you do, right? :)), but how can you be 100% sure you're not missing new rails configuration default? Railsdiff can help, by providing a diff of Rails default files between two versions of the framework. This should make your life easier!
Engineering culture & tech tools

The Three Phases Of ‘Sustained’ Software Engineering

Software Development, as almost any kind of engineering, is a cyclical process: we buy and/or build, bolster and break down our product. And while building new software is more exciting to most developers than maintaining the legacy, all stages are critical. The linked article discusses the concept of sustained engineering and why it is vital to a company's success.

Agile is dead! Waterfall is coming back.

Although the title might suggest it, the linked article does not favour one methodology over the other. The author gives us a historical overview on how software development evolved over time and why certain methodologies might make more sense given the circumstances.

💯 Version 100 in Chrome and Firefox

We are nearing the release of version 100 in Chrome and Firefox. A new Y2K-like scenario? Maybe.
Read on to find out about the timeline of events, the strategies that Chrome and Firefox are taking to mitigate the impact, and how you can help.
Docto Tech Life

What kind of environment does Doctolib offer?
What does it mean to work in a company such as Doctolib? In this video, Alex Kaluzny, CTO of Doctolib, details some of the most important aspects of Doctolib's culture and what it means for the Tech and Product teams. Dig in!


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TechLife is brought to you by our editors:
Hélène Droal, Charlotte Feather, Eva Stolz, Tara Matthews,
Tevin Otieno, Tobi Poel, Noémie Baudouin & Pierre-Adrien Buisson.

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